Auntie Jerilee & Bedtime Cuddles

I realize that the title suggests that I cuddled with Jerilee at bedtime. Thats not actually what I was going for. Just two significant events of today. It was a really nice day 🙂

I slept in 🙂 After the last two mornings being waaay too early for my taste, this morning I slept in until after 9:00am. It was delightful. I watched a few YouTube videos and putzed around Facebook until Dekker woke up. He had a big breakfast and then we went downstairs for toys. He was in a pretty strange mood most of the day. He would go from giggling and chatting and joking around, to just whipping himself down and throwing a fit. It was really new, but the tantrums weren’t the worst I’ve seen at all so while the behaviour is not what I like to see, it has been worse in the past. Just figuring. Jerilee came in the early afternoon and we caught up. She leads a super busy life and I feel like every time we get together, I’ve missed TONS! So I always enjoy our visits and catching up. Deks went down for a nap partway through her visit so we had some watermelon and grilled cheese and continued our chat until she had to head home. It was minutes after she left that Brady arrived. They had waved on the highway and everything.

Dekker ate a good sized supper with us but was still in a very “zero to sixty” type mood, so we sliced up an apple for him and went back downstairs to play toys and have a bit of tv on in the background. He played pretty well, and it seemed that his little fits could always be solved by one of us holding him on our lap and giving him some apple. I’m not sure what was going on all day. Maybe a tummy ache? I wondered about his temperature once in a while, as his feet and nose were warm, but his cheeks were cool, so who knows. We all have off days I suppose.

The last few nights haven’t been very cuddly. Dekkers been in a foul state when he comes into our room and basically just slaps our faces and fights until we put him to bed. Its an awful way to leave off at the end of the day. Usually Brady brings Deks to me, we have a drink and a good long cuddle, and some singing, and then Brady carries him off to bed, they pray together, and then Dekker goes down without a sound. Not the last few days though. They’ve ended with screaming, and they’ve ended more abruptly, even though Brady is sooo patient with him and we never put him down in anger. So tonight when they came in and Dekker started whipping around and fussing, he threw himself back on the bed, and I chucked his blanket over him. And that became the game. We played and peeked and tickled and talked and sang. He just wanted to lay by himself. Of course, once he was comfy and settled, he didn’t want to be moved. Eventually the playing calmed a little and I just lay beside him and rubbed his belly and chest. He was so content in those moments. Brady came to join the fun a few minutes later, and there was more tickling and Dekker seemed to retell all of his stories. Then Dekker changed the game and just wanted kiss after kiss after kiss, which we were more than happy to give to him. Lots of kisses later, he decided to sit up directly in front of us and tell us stories. We listened intently until he burped and smacked his belly. We just about killed ourselves laughing, while he just sat there very patiently waiting for us to relax, before he finished his story. It was adorable. I love him.

It was sad to see him go. Bedtime cuddles went on waaay longer than usual, and he was so happy to just be in our room, playing with us on our bed. But alas, bedtime is bedtime. So he’s now safely tucked away for the night, and we are doing our regular bedtime routine of putting the diapers through, Bradys making his lunch, and I”m doing this. Soon there will be a bath ran and a snack made, and sadly no more meteor shower. However, I don’t see the star gazing being done for. That has been so nice, to just sit outside in the evening together, enjoying the fresh air. 

Tomorrow I’ll date my mom, which I’m suuuper looking forward to. I’ve just reviewed my next two weeks and oh my gosh, they are super insane. I’m not sure how they’re already booked so solidly or how we’ll add in the things that inevitably come up. And its only Tuesday of this week. Yikes!


Love you too mom! When Brady was carrying Dekker off to bed, he was getting a little sad, so I told him we’d play with you tomorrow and he lit right up 🙂 Gonna be a good day!