Nice Restaurants with Kids

We had another nice low key day here at home. We got Dekker out of his room when it was breakfast time, but he obviously hadn’t had enough time in there on his own, and was tired for the rest of the morning. He never quite came back from it, and ended up going down for his nap over an hour early. Laela also napped in her bassinet for a couple of hours. They both slept like logs, to the point where we had to slightly change our evening plans. We still got there, though.

Bradys parents took us all out to Tony Romas for dinner. Our server was mildly over the top, but was clearly trying really hard to be likeable and do a good job. As soon as we were settled, both kids started fussing and acting up. Yay for being the loud table! Dekker pulled it together once he had a few bites of food in him, and Laela was the same, only with milk, obviously. And frankly, even if they had both stayed loud and unruly, a much louder crowd with kids moved in near us and the pressure was off. The food and drinks were delicious. Once we finished up there, we showed Bradys parents some of the houses Brady has worked on, and then headed home. We listened to music, and to Laela crying. Poor dear. Upon arrival, I changed her out of her wet diaper and skinny jeans and into a nice dry diaper and some fuzzy jammies with fat penguins on them. Now she’s having milk, and she’s happy. Dekker was sad that it was bedtime right away, but he sure didn’t fight it either. I think our entire household is exhausted right now.

We’ll see if the ‘rents are up to popcorn and a movie after all!