Not What I Had in Mind

Dekker actually woke up before noon today and I was pumped! Dekker had his shots scheduled for this afternoon, plus I was planning on baking an enormous batch of monster cookies for this weekend.

Before anyone jumps on me about shots, I have to defend us from both angles. We’re behind, yes. Dekker is going for his 18 month shots at 21 months. I know, I know. He was sick on and off for the past few months, and had that ridiculous diaper rash for so long, I swore I wouldn’t get him his needles until he was cleared up and feeling good. For the other side of the debate, I appreciate that lots of people do not agree with vaccinating. Thats fine. To each their own. After discussion and prayer, we confidently will vaccinate our kids. Everyone has their own choice to make, and I don’t judge anyone one way or the other. I’d appreciate if you’d show my family the same respect 🙂

So I got Dekker out of bed right away and got him all ready for breakfast. And then realized its Tuesday. And shots are on Wednesday. Awesome. Shots have always wiped Dekker out pretty good and he tends to sleep away the whole day after them, so my plan was to bake while he slept after his shots. However, that wasn’t going to work out today. So instead, I figured I’d just get in as much as I could during his naps today, even if it was just getting the dough ready, and then I could bake them tomorrow. No oatmeal to be found in our house. Sigh. So as the title suggests, I didn’t accomplish what I planned to do at all. Instead, I did almost all of our dishes!! I can’t remember the last time my counter wasn’t littered with dishes. SUCH a mess we have lived in! Today is the closest we’ve come to a point of not being embarrassed when company arrives. Just a bitty bit left to wash by hand. Hope to do the rest tomorrow, while cookies bake, while Dekker naps, after his shots. Yup, that sounds about right.

This morning was the first time I caught baby’s kicks on camera! Four solid kicks. I was so excited to be able to video them and be able to see how far they’ve come. As I said to my sister after I texted her the video, I love seeing how someone so little can really pack a punch! I’d put it on here, but its just a long shot of my considerably less than perfect belly so if you want to see, just ask and I’ll try to send it via Facebook or something. Just silly little exciting things.

Time for a bath and bed. Tomorrow will be full of baking and an inevitably cranky toddler. No more needles until he’s four years old!!! Can barely even picture that. Wow…