Oh WordPress…

I wanted to take todays post to explain what happened at the end of the day yesterday. I had typed out my whole post and was in the process of loading the pictures. I had fifteen I wanted to post. I know, waaay too many, but my kids are that cute. Four of them loaded and the other eleven glitched. They said something on them about an error and they couldn’t be completed. I was kind of annoyed, as I had wasted quite a bit of time waiting for them to finish up, but c’est la vie. I figured it was all just overloaded so I selected two to reload. They glitched. Over and over again. I went to the page to try once again, and saw in small, light grey writing, text explaining that I had 0% of my space left.

I knew I would eventually run out of space. My blog was a completely free page until I put some money into it to purchase the domain name “thedailyhailey.” I was just very surprised that I received no warning. Granted, that fine print has probably been updating since I started blogging two years ago, but I didn’t know about. I mean, if I get lots of views in a short period of time, like for instance, when I put out Laela’s birth story and lots of you guys read it immediately, wordpress notified me that I was getting a high traffic of viewers. While its nice to know, its not really information I can do anything with. This would have been much more useful: “Hi Hailey! Just FYI, you only have 500MBs of space left. Might want to consider upgrading!” Something like that, right? But nope. I had to dig for it.

So being me, not the most tech savvy person alive, I went into my media page and started deleting pictures. I figured I’d make room. However, I had to go one by one, and it took forever. I deleted about thirty before googling how to go about this much quicker. As I’m sure lots of you have predicted, I quickly learned that the pictures I deleted are now gone off of my public posts forever. I cried. I was very upset in the moment, and still am, to be honest. BUT I am also thankful that I only deleted as many as I did. And I think I deleted pictures off of posts that I had already saved. So WHEW! But aaawww at the same time.

Once I found this out, I ran outside to Brady, blubbering about my lost photos and how I couldn’t even finish the post I was working on and what would I do?!?! Mildly irrational behaviour at best. He hugged me and let me have my moment. Then we talked about what it would cost to upgrade my space. I could go from my allotted 3 GBs to 10 GBs for $20, which isn’t bad. But in all honesty, I struggled with the purchase of the domain name, and now with the upgrade, because this blog doesn’t serve a real purpose. No one reads it to learn anything, or to be inspired, or to discover anything new. Its only purpose is basically so I can have a journal that somehow works better for me than writing on paper. Why do I have to pay for it?! Ugh.

I know, I was overthinking it, and $20 per year for several years worth of space isn’t unreasonable. But I felt so ripped off to not get any time to think about it before having to make the decision. Instead, I had to decide on the spot, or not post. So I bought into it, gave them their $20, and finished my post. I almost immediately received an email from wordpress showing me my purchase, and giving me a receipt. It was ended with “Thank you for using wordpress, a better way to blog.”

My ass, wordpress. My ass.


Well FYI Missy, when reading your blog, I often DO learn, AM inspired and have discovered new things. SO, I would like to pledge my subscription to your future blogs and will be contributing $5 per year. It is worth much more, but I don’t want to feel that I ‘own’ your blog!
Just keep writing! Sweet.


Willa, I simply adore you 🙂 You always leave me feeling successful and worthy of something. Thank you for believing in me, and being willing to help fund me 😉 I love you!


Boo. I’m sorry, Hailey. This sucks.
Blogger has a limit too, but pictures under a certain size do not count towards the limit so when I keep my uploads under a certain size, I don’t have to worry about it.
I am glad you backed up your posts.


This has motivated me to get on the horse and finish backing them up! I’m half done I think, but its a tedious and suuuper boring job. But now I know just how important it is.