One Month of Waverly

How has it already been a month since this glorious day?

I flip flop on how I feel about time passing. On one hand, I feel like she was just born. I remember the details of her birth so clearly still. She still feels like a newborn in my arms. I’m still in total bewonderment at the sight of her. Yet she fits in SO perfectly, I feel like she’s always been here. But thats not the truth, because I also very vividly remember all that happened before she came along. I’ll go a bit more in depth on that another day.

Our one month with Wavy has been a total whirlwind. We have been doing SO MUCH, and she has been the perfect sidekick!

I don’t have all the little bits of info people usually like for baby updates.

I don’t know her weight or height.
She has no real schedule or routine yet to share.
There aren’t many (or any real) milestones to track at this point.

There is so little I know about her, to be honest, but here is what I do know.

Wavy is so mild mannered, content, and peaceful. The picture of low maintenance. She doesn’t ask for much, so when she does, I listen. She hardly cries.

She follows me when I walk around her and talk to her.

Her curls have stuck around! So far, anyway!

She wakes up twice at night at the VERY most. She eats great in the day and like garbage at night, so I’m hopeful she’ll sleep through sooner than later.

She fits newborn sizes still, but its getting a bit tight, length wise. Three month clothing, however, is still huge.

She’s getting more and more smiley! I can’t wait for her social smiles to really kick into high gear!

She hates farting. Because she’s a lady, and ladies aren’t supposed to do things like that. #lies

Above ALL of that, though…

Waverly Violet is truly loved by SO MANY PEOPLE. It is amazing how many people are invested in her life, from our friends and family, to a whole host of people I don’t personally know and haven’t ever met. I’ve joked around about how she is the worlds most anticipated baby, but I think there is some very real truth to that. I can find peace in the fact that she has been SO covered in prayer, and is exactly as she should be, no matter who she is, what she does, and what comes up in her life.

And for that – for her – I praise the Lord.

Thank you, Jesus, for one full, delicious, healing, exciting, tear-filled, celebratory month with Waverly.