In exactly ONE MONTH, we are hosting a celebration for Bambina coming into the world, safe and sound!! This party has been in my mind since I was pregnant with Jamin, though I never voiced the idea, and then was humiliated that I had even thought it could work out. I know, there was no need to be embarrassed, but still, I was obviously choked about the aspect of losing something else.

When we found out we had once again conceived a baby, I didn’t wait too long before I pushed myself to start planning a party. I wanted to celebrate every single day I was pregnant, and I knew that planning a party wouldn’t play ANY role in whether she lived or died. Jinxes be damned.

So I planned, and she’s continued to grow and thrive!

I admit that I sometimes go to darker places, and wonder what in the world we’ll do if she passes away. We have everything in place. We know what we’ll need to buy fresh, and already have on hand most things that we can have in advance. We’ve spent time perfecting the right ratio of cold brewed coffee. We’ve recruited help for some of the baking. We’ve ordered invitations. We’ve purchased decor, some small kitchen things, drink dispensers, etc. I’ve chosen clothes. We’ve PLANNED. We are READY. What, oh WHAT in the world will we do if she isn’t here for her party?? I promise, I don’t go here too terribly often, because I know just how out of my hands the answer to this question really is. I have NO control. But I’m not going to lie and say I never go there, because I do. So I’m scared. At least a little bit scared.

I will know this answer in one month. Less, even. I am hopeful that all will be well and we’ll have a super special morning, celebrating our littlest babe, among friends, family, and everyone who has anticipated her arrival along with us! My Facebook event is still open and ready for more people, so PLEASE, if I’ve missed you and you’d like to come, be in touch! Our entire church will be invited with actual invites once she’s born, but not until then, because they have her beautiful name on them 🙂 But the door is still WIDE open for anyone else who wants to come! I’m starting to need numbers so I can actually arrange how many of which things we need! Please, friends, be in touch 💜 I’m SO looking forward to this!

The party is roughly two weeks after she’d due to be born, and that day is in about 2.5 weeks. My goodness, time is moving fast!