Which Trimester is This??

Trust me, I KNOW I’m super pregnant. This baby is NOT a subtle baby. I KNOW I’m in my third trimester, coming up on baby day. But my gosh, over this last week or so, I feel like we’re back to square one. This morning, it was more apparent than usual.

I feel nauseous. SO nauseous. Which makes NO sense. I’m not sick. I have no reason to be sick. But WOW do my guts ever hurt!! On top of that, I’m crampy and sore. I know. I sound like I have a tummy bug, but this is just how things have been feeling in the recent days! So. So. Weird.

I should clarify here. I’m not in unbelievable pain or anything. This morning felt pretty bananas, but as I moved around, went about my normal morning stuff, and threw back a glass or two of water, there was definite relief. There is just a constant icky nausea that lingers and refuses to quit.

Have any of you ended up back on Diclectin in your last stretch of pregnancy? Is that a thing that happens? The few food aversions I had in my first trimester are back and everything. What gives??

On a positive note, it was a handy day to have a helpful friend over in the morning to do my dishes, wash ALL of Bambina’s bottles (thats a BIG thing off my list!), and then entertain my kids so I could sit and rest, intentionally drink lots of water, and creep the internet for what third trimester nausea means.

Isn’t it fun how helpful people in your life make you strong enough to be a helpful person yourself? I’m so thankful for my days and who I’m fortunate enough to share them with 💖