One of Those

My kids were crying and upset before we even left their room this morning. I immediately grew a horrid attitude and started feeling sorry for myself.

And then I grew up and spent the afternoon cuddling them. When we’re all whiny, sometimes we sort of just do better apart, but today, they both wanted to cuddle, sit on my lap, and be cozy. It was refreshing. At one point, Dekker wanted to play upstairs on his own, so we all got some time apart from each other as well. Considering the morning, our lunch and afternoon went very smoothly.

I had some plans to try and be productive during their nap time but instead I’ve decided to catch up on some relaxing and YouTube videos. My braxton hicks are demanding that of me, and I am listening. So my feet are up, my baby/uterus are relaxed, and I’m calmer than I’ve been all day. Soon, the littles will lull and be up for the rest of the day, and that will be ok. I feel in a MUCH better position to care for them now than I did earlier.

I apologize for my recent posts. I’ve been a downer, I know. I have a ridiculous amount of things to be thankful for, and I know that compared to many of you, I lead a very relaxed and non-stressful life. But we all handle things/cope differently, and I am struggling. I will be on the mend soon, I promise. Plans are in action, and I will be better 🙂 Thanks for all the love and support.