Praying for Success

Today was an incredibly low day for me, from spilling water all over the kitchen floor to things big enough that I’m not sharing them on here. And guys, I share A LOT on here. So it was a big one. All of that paired with aaaaall of the drama that came with the election, my heart feels heavy.

I will give you an incredibly minimal amount of information on how I’m feeling about it, and that will be that for tonight. Because enough is enough, and I have had more than my share today.

I voted conservative. I am scared of what the Liberal leader will bring. Conservative was so very family friendly, and if you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of in that group. I liked it. However, we no longer have a Conservative government. Please don’t tell me all of the details about why it will be better or worse now. Trust me, I know them. But these are my thoughts. Its done. For now, at least, we are under a new leader, and part of a new ball game. Its done. I had a friend write on Facebook today that she still loves her friends who voted Liberal. I know she was making a friendly joke, but I LOVED that. For my friends who voted differently than I did, I love you just as much as I did before. We can want different things and still be friends. Its ok to have different opinions on things. If we didn’t, life would be boring. Another thing I want to say is that, instead of being ticked, and wasting time fuming and judging and dreading what is to come (because its truly hard not to) I’ve decided to pray very hard for Mr. Trudeau, and the decisions he makes for our country. I genuinely hope he succeeds, because I live here!! I feel the same as a lot of people do, in the way that I don’t trust him and I don’t like a lot of his promises. I also believe its much easier to make good on a promise to take something away than it is to implement something. I’m nervous too. But I’m not going to sit, cynically, and wait for him to fail and screw everything up. I WANT him to do well!!! I encourage the rest of you Conservative-minded folks to think the same way. Let’s root for him, whether he was our first choice or our fifth. He has a lot of power, and I want him to use it for good. Anyone else?