Progress and Dates

Last night, Brady put up the curtains in our room, and I am SO pleased with the end result! Since not everything in back in its place, it feels pretty monochromatic in here, but very crisp and beautiful and I love the little design on the curtains. It gives a little bit of something different to the walls, and I love it. It was nice to wake up with a bit less light this morning as well.

Once the kids were up and eating breakfast, I went into my decently functional kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher. The dishes are just not cleaning the way I’d like them to, and as I mentioned on Facebook a while ago, my dishwasher is turning brown inside, and its getting progressively worse. So instead of loading the dishwasher with the dirty dishes from last night and this mornings breakfast, I put a Finish cleaning pack in it instead and ran it on the uber-load setting, aka pots, as hot as possible. I had my doubts about this method, since the people who recommended it said they used it when their dishwasher started turning brown, and ours has been brown for a while, but guys, it looks BRAND NEW!!! Unbelievable! Easily the best five dollars I’ve ever intentionally washed down the drain.

Then I called and booked a leg waxing appointment for Friday. Best get that in before I have to have my feet in the air in front of too many people whilst having a baby!! One more thing checked off my list of things to do!

The kids ate breakfast for what felt like hours before they wanted to be done and go play. We played downstairs for a while before Dekker decided he wanted to go play upstairs on his own for a bit. He does this sometimes when he wants some space from Laela. I think its great, actually, that he’s come up with his own way of fleeing, and I trust him very much not to get into stuff. Humorously enough, I heard him talking quite loudly to himself at one point, until I realized that Jerilee had made it out and they were bantering upstairs, when I hadn’t even heard her come in!! Friend fail :/ Sorry my son beat me to you, Jerilee!

The kids went down for their nap decently well, and Jerilee and I visited all afternoon, which is something we haven’t done in a really long time. Brady picked up a delicious supper on his way home and we watched The Bachelor and ate with the whole family downstairs. It was pretty fun actually. We rarely eat downstairs with the kids, because we can’t contain them the same way, and they get their dirty fingers on more things. But neither of my kids prefer to be messy, so there is lots of hand and face wiping along the way. Once they went to bed, the three of us visited a little bit before we watched yet another episode of The Bachelor. It was a two episode week, you know!

Now, Jerilee is on her way home and we’re just cuddling in for the night. Tomorrow will be a quiet home day for me again, and I’m trying to decide what jobs I can and should do. I really need to get around to packing at least the beginnings of a hospital bag, and I think I could maybe do some laundry, but we’ll see how I feel tomorrow. With the dishwasher cleaner going through, we have a full days worth of dishes sitting in the sink, waiting to be done, so maybe I’ll do that in the morning. I can only accomplish so much with these popping hips and all these contractions! Wish me luck!