Wait, Brady goes to work?!?!

Believe it or not, yes! My husband does have a job, and after a really beautiful stretch of time off that he’s used to help me feel more prepared to have our third baby, he is re-entering the work force for the week! While many people enjoyed spending their stat holiday with their family, my husband went to work. Stat holidays don’t mean too much when you’re self employed. Not bitter at all, honestly. I love the flexibility! But it does mean that sometimes, he has to work on a day that the rest of the world (or province) has off. Such is life.

I’m not going to lie. I slept like a log last night. I was dozing off by 11:00 and I slept solidly until 9:00am. The monitor was on but apparently we had turned the sound off, so while I could still hear them moving around and playing, it was a quieter, slower start. The kids weren’t in the best moods first thing this morning, but seemed really content to be back at home, even amongst the chaos that our upstairs continues to be. They both ate an unreasonable amount of breakfast, Dekker specifically asking for each and every kind that we have available to him, which is usually three kinds. I know that seems like overkill, but besides myself, our family LOVES cereal. We go through it really fast. Laela also drank lots of milk. In the last few weeks, we decided to get Laela off of her bottle. No judging, I know its considered late for her to still have one, but its like her one small comfort thing, she only had two littles ones each day, and it didn’t bother us! But since we’ve taken it away, she’s drinking considerably less milk. I know its an adjustment period, so I’m not too worried, and she’s getting her dairy in just fine. But today, she drank for breakfast what she often takes in all day. Yay Laela!!!

They didn’t finish eating breakfast until after 11:00, and then they were more than ready to go play toys downstairs, where they weren’t constantly being told “Don’t touch that!” or “Don’t drive your toys on the walls.” Downstairs is much more fair game.

I was amazingly tired after my ten hour night, and felt super conflicted about how productive to be. Let’s be straight up. I’m a 26 year old woman who stays home all day. I have every ability to clean or tidy or do laundry or any number of things that need doing around my house. Emphasis on the “need” here. However, while I find my kids to be incredibly easy and user-friendly, I am at the very end of my pregnancy and things like bending down, or chasing, or walking back and forth across the room tire me out and bring on painful contractions. I’m just about at the end – of my pregnancy and my proverbial rope.

Ask Jerilee. I annoyingly texted her throughout the morning, whining about my fatigue, and about the desperate need to get my house back in order. What to do, what to do?! She was really good, and encouraged me to do some little bitty things if I wanted, but that it was more than fine if I didn’t. So thats what I did. I made a short little plan and accomplished some of it.

Dishes. We hardly had any. I loaded the dishwasher but didn’t hand wash the few things that can’t go in, like the travel mugs. Then I planned to do some laundry. Now, we have lots of laundry to do in the way of sheets and towels and such, but everything is still dusty and messy, and that part isn’t quite over yet, so I opted out of that laundry (even though its the laundry that is bugging me the most!) and instead, I washed all of the new baby blankets and burp cloths that my mom recently sewed for baby Jim! Its one small thing I can prepare anyway. My second and final load of laundry was going to be the bedding that fits into our baby cradle, where he’ll sleep for his first few months, but too many things were stacked on top of it and frankly, I just didn’t feel like making a bigger mess trying to get the cradle out of storage. So I didn’t. The one load was enough. At least it was something.

In the afternoon, the kids and I ate good lunches and they went down for their naps pretty smoothly. Even though my chores hadn’t been quite as successful in the morning as I had hoped, I had already decided that I would rest when the kids did. I kept dozing off while the kids were playing, so I knew my body needed some rest. However, funny story. Our curtains haven’t been put back up since painting, and it was glaringly bright in our bed. I was so looking forward to some cozy bed time and some YouTube. I tossed and turned and tried to find a good position to be able to watch, but it wasn’t working out. I started to reevaluate my cozy plan, and thought I should rather make lists about…shoot, I dozed off again. And again, and again, and again. So instead of doing anything, I fell asleep. I literally lay sprawled out on my bed, the sun pouring down on me, like a kitty. I slept like that for a solid hour. I actually really hate sleeping in the day, because then I have a pretty hard time falling asleep at a reasonable time at night, but there was no turning back. I like to sleep in the dark dark, so if I could nap for a full hour in the bright, hot sun, it was necessary.

By the time I woke up, the kids were lulling and the sun had moved a little bit, so I could see again. However, I had slept wrong and am currently still really suffering for it. Dang pelvis. I watched a few YouTube videos to help me wake up and be less zombie-like. Brady came home feeling surprisingly good after his first day back, which was a nice sight for my sore tired eyes. We had grilled cheese and soup for supper, which was unbelievably delicious, and exactly what I wanted. Then we played with the kids for a bit before putting them down for the night.

Now, my loving husband is putting up curtain rods in our room so I can wash and hang our new curtains. I know the rest of the house is still a mess but its on its way! And I mainly just want our room back. I think its important to have a sane spot to go to amongst the mess. At least it is for me. So curtain rods, and then potentially a bit of touching up paint and a bit of cleaning. And THEN a soak and a snack. I made cake batter fudge the other day, which has been a delicious little sweet treat.

Tomorrow, the kids and I will have a date with Jerilee, which is SO much fun! She doesn’t judge our crazy house, and she fits into our family very well 🙂 Plus I’m looking forward to having some company in the day. I love my friends and family so much, and its sad going from having them around so often to having no company at all. Thanks for saving me tomorrow, friendy friend!