Progress in the Coming Week

Dekker DECLINED medication this morning! None this afternoon either. I am SO impressed with his progress and courage! At one point yesterday, he fell and landed on his shoulder, and the scream that came from him suggested he had broken himself all over again. He ended up rallying quicker than anticipated, and he’s truly been good ever since. I think a lot has healed, and I think he’s also pretty bored with being in pain all the time. So he’s just not anymore. Lol!

A new week has begun, and reality starts tomorrow! I have hope for healing for myself as well, so I’m curious to see how Monday goes in terms of how my body holds up. There isn’t a lot left that I can’t do, but I don’t know yet how much I’ll pay in terms of pain after the fact. Just in time for Dekker to be feeling well again, now I can open bottles. Funny how that happens, hey? 

But before school starts tomorrow, I’ll say this morning went well. I almost bailed out of worship leading today and left it to Brady and Carrie, but decided rather that I’d just ask for help when needed. And it worked out. I did have to lift Waverly a couple of times, which hurts my shoulders, but after a rest through lunch, things are back to just a basic level of sore that I can work around. A handful of people spoke to me at church and asked what my needs are and how they could assist me. I responded honestly, but saying I didn’t actually know yet 🤷‍♀️ I’m not sure what my hands and wrists can and cannot handle yet, but later in the week, I’d let people know what was needed. I’m SO grateful to have such willing hands at my church, and to know it isn’t lip service, but people who actually would come if I called. 

Brady is downstairs working on some little bits and pieces in the basement. Nappers are napping, and big kids are switching between hanging with Brady and playing LEGO. Its a good, quiet afternoon. I’m excitedly anticipating the warmer weather and the sunshine! Enjoying the days makes healing come easier.