Rain, Rain, Go Away

I say again, I don’t hate the rain. Rain and I have a good thing going usually. However, Brady got today off and we had big plans to finish that silly railing. However, spitting rain plus 90% chance of thundershowers all day plus power tools equals a very nervous wife and a very electrified husband. Not my favorite possibility. But I guess thats how outdoor jobs work out sometimes, so often taking longer than expected. Its ok. The forecast is showing sun and cloud next week, but no rain as of yet. Hopefully we’ll be able to get the railing done in evenings. So funny how things work out this way. We finally get a drawing of how the railing should be done, and then we can’t build it. Dirty irony.

Instead of finishing our deck, we’re going to head to the city and do a few errands that we’re excited about. Birthday things! Our family has lots of August birthdays. My parents, two of my sisters, and our son. Four out of these five people will be around in the next week!!! So we will spend the day running (in the rain, likely) from place to place, picking up gifts, decor, ingredients, everything! I think I might also try to get my hands on some solar lights for when the deck is done and we have our first party on it. After this whole silly ordeal, I’m ready to name the deck and put its August birthday on the calendar too! As long as its done in August! Name ideas anyone?