August Looks Goooood!

I scanned my calendar today and really couldn’t be happier with what I found. I have something great every week to look forward to. I’m not booked solid every day like the last half of July, just comfortably scheduled so I know that I will enjoy my August.

Next week I have family coming out, my parents birthdays, and a concert I’ve waited a year for. The week after that I’m connecting with a friend for the first time in quite a while, and doing a bunch of prep for Dekker’s birthday. And the week after that, Dekker officially turns one! Weirdly enough, I’m sooo excited for his doctors appointment! I want to know how big he is, that he has a clean bill of health, and I want his doctor to be sooo impressed with him. I mean, how could she not be? He’s clearly fabulous!

So, with Dekker’s party coming up in a few weeks, I want my yard to look nice. This means getting the blasted deck finished, (tomorrow, weather permitting) mowing the grass regularly enough so that it doesn’t have grass piled all through it, and fixing the garden up. Remember way back, when I said my garden was dying and I was super disappointed? Well, the good news is that about 75% of it lived! The bad news is that its completely weeded over and the thought of weeding it is pretty ominous. It looks awful, and I want it to be better before his party. I find motivation for that type of task so hard to come by. But I will! It just may end up being the day before.