Recapping the Positives

I know today has been a wonderful day. Its a bit hard to see past some of the big fat garbage that was thrown our way, BUT I know, looking back, that today has actually been remarkable.

I did some dishes while Dekker and Laela had breakfast, and we went downstairs to play. It had been really hot yesterday evening, and the kid had went to bed only partly dressed. That carried into today, with my two big little kids running around all day in sweats, with their little bare chests out in the open, readily available for tickling and hugging. Best, softest kids ever.

Of all things, my last concrete plan for today was my leg waxing appointment, and my girl is out sick :/ So while I wish her well and hope she’s back in action in a day or two, I was pretty bummed to lose my outing. My lovely friend, Kim, invited us out, but Dekker wasn’t in a good head space, and I knew it would be fun for absolutely no one if we did. Then, feeling like a total wiener, I invited her out. Its so much easier to deal on tough stuff in your own home, am I right? Well, the doll that she is, she got her kids up and dressed, packed up, and they came out for the afternoon!!! I was SO happy to have company, and fill our day up a bit with people we love.

BEST of all!!!, Dekker rocked a positive attitude!! He didn’t exactly get down on the floor and play toys with the kids, but he didn’t melt down at all, he was polite, and talked to Kim, and he smiled and made jokes A LOT. It was such a relief!! We turned on a movie at one point, and I was super lucky to be surrounded by almost all of the kids. Dekker tucked himself into one side of me, Kims middle son was right tucked into the other side, and her oldest was right at my lap, keeping me informed on every single event that was taking place in the movie 😉 Laela at one point was on my lap, and I even got Kims baby for a while when she got an important phone call. Rowan slept most of the afternoon away, so he wasn’t part of the mad cuddlefest and replay of Frozen, but I think he’s pretty unaware of stuff like that just yet.

Dekker and Laela didn’t nap because they were doing so well, so we expected a bit of drama this evening, but there wasn’t any!!! They were SO cute, and well behaved, and they made me feel refreshed. At one point, Brady told Dekker that I was feeling low and could use a hug, and he promptly came over and lay on top of me, kissed me, and rested his head so he could stay a while. Sometimes, when everyone is stressed out, the kids start acting out. They’re so aware of everything. But today, it seemed like they were easier on us, which I so appreciate! Thanks, beautiful kids!

Tomorrow, I’m planning on going shopping for a few things with Kim, and she has PROMISED not to bail on me!! Right, Kim? Haha! So, assuming that all works out relatively according to plan, I’m looking forward to getting out of the house finally, and spending more time with a friend.

So as I said before, looking back past the proverbial hurdles, its been a lovely day <3 Who could ask for anything more?