Not So Social?

So my last two weeks have been CRAZY social! I have LOVED IT! And now, humorously enough, a bunch of my plans for this week have changed! So I’m finding myself bored, which I haven’t felt in a while! I was sort of pouting a bit about it a little bit, but then I realized that this is an opportunity!

As I mentioned a day or two ago, we are getting new pictures taken of our house soon, and we need to get this place as perfect as possible! Our house isn’t super far gone or anything, but it needs freshening up. I think I might even buy some plants or something, just to help it out a little bit. We’ll see.

Another thing I’ve been getting excited about is meal planning. I hatched a plan recently, and it should make the whole thing pretty easy. I’ve even given myself time, and have decided to meal plan for the month of September. That way, I have lots of time to get it organized just how I like it, and it will be easier to carry over into the following months. However, I do need to actually get started on it, haha! So maybe I’ll print off some templates or research a bit how people do that. Any input from meal planners would be greatly appreciated!

So I think my quieter week will be ok. It might be filled with the cleaning and preparing that I’m not particularly looking forward to, but it has to get done, and maybe freeing that time up is Gods way of making sure we have time and energy to get the place ready so we can SELL FAST! As much as I dont like to put limits on things, if we want to be in a newly built house by Christmas, we’re already cutting it close…..!!!

So thankful that the timing is in Gods hands rather than mine!


I do a very low-key meal plan but I find it really helps since I hate deciding what to make each day. I usually grocery shop on Fridays so Thursday night I decide on five or six meals to make and then buy for that. I tried meal planning for two weeks but then some of the produce would go bad. Usually if I do five meals it is perfect with leftovers and random eating out days. Also, it relieves the pressure of having to plan for so many meals.