
I went to bed just after midnight, woke up around 4am, and that was it. Not ideal. I lay in bed, completely tired, with my eyes closed, hoping for more sleep, but it wouldn’t come. However, I was resting so I figured it was better than nothing. At least I was comfy. I “enjoyed” that for about a half hour before I got fed up and opted to play games on my phone.

Brady woke up for work around 5:30am and brought me coffee before he headed out the door. I will likely need it to get through today! Poor sunshine boy has a very persistent diaper rash šŸ™ He sleeps so much and sits in those diapers for just too long. I think I’ll spend a large chunk of today changing diapers and getting Dekker up from his bed as soon as he starts talking to avoid him being wet or dirty longer than necessary. Good thing we picked up more zinc cream the other day. Got a heck of a deal, didn’t we?

securedownload While I am feeling more organized than I thought I would be at this time of year, there is still lots to do. I have a few recipes I’d like to pull out and try, my floors desperately need a wash, gifts need to be wrapped (better than this one!!,)

photo (6) and laundry from a couple days ago still needs to be put away. There is a lot more, I promise, I just can’t put it all together in my head this early. How you mothers with early risers survive, I’ll never know. Hopefully not, anyway. Please Lord, let all my children sleep like Deks Deks!

It is still before 7am, and I have been awake for almost 3 hours already. I think I’ll go find some bloopers or fails on youtube and zone for a bit. Even if I get Dekker earlier than usual, I likely still won’t see him for another 3 hours.

mama jeanne

Excellent wrap job! I bet he won’t figure it out this year but maybe next šŸ™‚ Yikes, I wonder if anyone fell for that steal of a deal…hmmmmmmm. Have a great day Hailey. I love you. Hope you slept better last night.