Sad Baby

Our day was like any other day, except that the kids woke up at 6:50am. They were happy in their room for a little while, but not long before I had to go in and get them up for the day. Thats a really early day around here. I knew I’d have tired kidlets on my hands. No big deal. It wouldn’t be the first time. Plus, the little miss popped her eighth tooth! All of the front ones are officially through!

Laela went down beautifully for her morning nap at 10:00, and I woke her shortly after noon, since the kids go down for a nap together around 2:00pm, and I wanted her to be able to sleep.

The cruel joke was that she didn’t. I’ve never had a problem with “quiet time” as opposed to actual napping, so she climbed around her crib and cooed for about an hour while Dekker slept through the whole thing. She started crying and I figured she’d be out right away. If she cries before bed, its never more than a minute or two. But she did not give up. Because she normally goes down so easy, I went to check on her and cuddle her a little, and tuck her back in. I did that on two separate occasions. She just wailed. Wasn’t having it. When I went in a third time, Dekker rolled over and looked at me through his squinty exhausted eyes and made a sad “I’m about to cry” sound, so I took Laela out. Poor kid. Deks slept like a log after that.

Laela, on the other hand, could be consoled for a moment here or there, but otherwise she basically cried for the next 2.5 hours. It was intense, and not in a good way. Once Dekker finally started to move around, I went to get him and put Laela in bed. She was wiped and dangit, she was going to sleep whether she wanted to or not!

She obviously wasn’t sleeping very deeply because she woke up when Brady came home. She didn’t lull awake. She woke up and bawled her eyes out until I finally went to get her. It was clear she wasn’t going back to sleep. So in total, she got about a half hour.

So this is a big long whiny post but guys, I’m exhausted and grumpy and I spent the last hour of the kids awake time running around the house getting things done just because I was so frustrated at the day.

*deep breath* I don’t need to be upset about today. I did all the laundry, and its all put away in its respective places. Can we all agree that he putting away is the worst part?? Yup, its all tidy. I fed the kids well and even ate lunch myself. I changed a lot of poopy diapers. I did dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. I moved around some shelves and got our dvd collection looking good. I did my hair!  And best of all, I was available to my crabby kids when they needed someones full attention.

I always love my kids, but somedays the job seems to get to me. Today was one of those days. Please don’t judge me. I assure everyone out there, I am doing the absolute very best I can!


Your kids are so normal and you are such a good Mom! You are very very AWARE and that isn’t all that common. I wanted to cheer when I read, “I did my hair!” THAT is such a beneficial thing to do…..for everyone!


Thank you 🙂 You always make me feel like we’re not as insane as I so often feel we are!
And I agree that spending a little bit of time on myself so I can feel a bit put together makes a HUGE difference!