Sick Day

I woke up with a cold. Its been toying with our family for a while now. We all had the beginnings of a cold around Halloween, but seemed to recover. Then a couple of weeks ago, Laela got a cold and I knew we were all in for it. But she recovered quite well, being the trooper that she is, but not aaaaall the way. And now we all have it.

As soon as I could hear that both kids were awake, only then did I begin struggling to physically keep my eyes open. Needless to say, it was a rocky morning. But Dekker was a champ! Not one toddler meltdown and really very little correction, if any. I can’t fully remember. Laela was a bit off her game and was quite weepy. I hate to even go there in my hear, but she’s starting to drool a lot more and I think her bottom gums are flattening out a bit. It is sooo early for teeth! She’s only seven weeks today. However, at eight weeks, its considered safe for babies to start wearing amber necklaces, and Dekker’s worked wonders for him so I’m hoping to pick one up for her today. Any opinions on colors? They range from very dark brown, to reds/oranges, to beautiful light yellows. Little girls often wear the yellow ones, yet she’s a dark brunette at this point and maybe a darker one would look nicer? I just don’t want to get her the exact same one as Dekker, which is a very dark brown. Input?

Around 2:00pm, Dekker was very ready for his nap, and went down without a complaint. Once he was down and Laela was settled on my lap in bed, I took the opportunity to eat a large bowl of soup and an entire sleeve of crackers. Wrong? Probably. But it was certainly delicious. Laela and I spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled together in bed watching my YouTube videos and dozing. It was much needed. I had talked to my mom earlier and I was already frazzled over my list of things to do this week, and she encouraged me to take a day off from thinking. She’s right. Tomorrow I’ll start thinking again. Lots of my list can be done from home anyway, but certain things I need to go to Saskatoon for. Maybe Saturday. Whatever. Brain off.

Bath on. I am sooo ready for a hot bath to clear up my stuffed nose and aching body. Hopefully Miss Laela cooperated with an earlier night so we can all feel a bit more rested tomorrow.

Tips on the amber necklaces anyone? Light? Dark? Colors? Multi-colored?