Siding and Demo and Drywall, Oh My!

I owe you guys a house update, and I’m giving it to you in this order, whether it makes much sense or not. Ready? Go!

Siding. We found out yesterday that the company who was coming to repair our siding from the summer’s hail storm was coming. Yesterday. We found out by men driving onto our yard and tearing siding off of our house. I won’t lie. I was pretty unimpressed by the lack of communication. No one even knocked on our door or tipped us off. I’m very thankful they came to do the repair, especially considering the cold weather, but had we known the level of noise the job was going to produce, we would’ve likely planned to be away for the day. Brady described the sound as what it would sound like if someone was hammering HARD on our kitchen counter. All. Day. Long. So that was interesting. I could hear the mugs on our shelf rattling hard so I pulled them all down.

Think we have enough?

They’re all still on my counter, since we don’t know when the crew is coming back :/

They did a chunk of the job and packed up around 6:00. We haven’t heard from anyone since, so I’m not sure when they’re coming back to finish the job. But, its started, and the kids were intrigued, haha!

Demo. Sigh. This one is ALL my fault. So when we planned the basement out, we missed the teleposts. We SHOULD have added one so they could move around a little and tuck into walls. As it happens, we have one that was going to be a bit more central than we wanted. I came up with this whole plan to wall in a little space and hide the post after all, but I recently shamefully admitted that I didn’t think the little area would ever get used, and that we should take the wall down and just have a post and WAY more space in the rec room. Brady was SO on board and happily pulled everything down. He rerouted a few things and finished it all off beautifully. He made a plan to make the post not look stupid, too, which I super appreciate. I still feel pretty dumb about it, because the wall was originally my idea, and now I was the one who asked him to remove it. I made ALL the extra work. But the decision to take it down was right, and we have WAY more space down there! Thank goodness!

I’ll show you a picture when it looks like something. Which will be soon!

Drywall! Drywall was delivered today!

Convenient that we have a straight shot from the garage into the basement, hey?

It was due to arrive around noon, but while we were at a school assembly, we were notified that they were on their way!! Thankfully, we were able to stay for the whole assembly and still beat them to our house. They worked up a good sweat hauling our drywall down into the basement! I had gone to prop the door open for them but I was nervous of their truck exhaust coming into our house. I mentioned it to Brady, that he could make a judgement call on that, and apparently, one of them delivery guys, and immediately went outside and shut their truck off. I really appreciated that! The guys worked fast were careful with our materials. They accepted some bottles of water on their way out (how do I not have paper coffee cups??!) and off they went!

We are officially ready to board the basement!!!

Don’t judge my messy basement, haha! It’ll make so much more sense once there are walls!

So since I began writing this post, we got an email back from our siding company letting us know when the crew is planning on coming back. With the weather, it seems its harder to predict their work hours. She addressed another issue or two we had brought forward, and I feel a bit better. I’ll show you the before and after when its all done.

Wish us luck in this next part! I’m SO ready for walls down there! Yet it will still be a while before its done done. The longer than Wavy gives us full nights of sleep, the more its becoming clear that we need another bedroom! And I want the kids to have more room to run! And a cozy place to watch movies! And a soft place for people to fall if anyone needs a night away from their life. We want to be a go-to for people who need some love and support, and I hate that we can’t invite them to stay for a night, if needed. Time to change that. Soon!