Valentine’s Day was NOT a Work Day

For the first time in a while, it seems, today was not spent pouring over the basement or any other house projects. However, it was spent in Saskatoon, running errands. Because life, haha! And because, as I mentioned a while ago, we ran out of milk. And when our family runs aaaaall the way out of milk, you know its time for a grocery shop. So we did that instead.

Once the kids were off to school, dressed in red and pink, valentines cards in hand, we woke Waverly (man that girl can sleep!) and fed her, dressed her, and loaded her up with her brothers, who were already scratching at the door to leave.

It was a BIG shop kind of day. Though we didn’t have to buy any diapers or wipes! Woot! We did, however, need to stock up on ALL milk, ALL fruits and veggies, ALL bread products, and ALL kinds of other things. Wavy hung out in her bucket through Superstore but was pretty over it by the time we were done in there, and we still had Costco to go!

(Here is where I’m resisting the urge to rant about Dollarama being SO DUMB today!! Gaaaaah!!!!!)

I ended up wearing her through Costco. Her little ponytail tickled my nose the entire time, which was a touch annoying and also adorable. We spent a fortune, and then left for home. We were home by 1:30.

I fed Wavy and put her down, and Brady put the little boys down for rests, too. We checked out the siding and it looks like our crew was back for at least a little while??

Their ladders are still here, so I guess they’re coming back. I wish there was a bit more communication there, but ok :/ I also wish they didn’t leave that piece so obviously askew. Hopefully they fix it when they inevitably come back. Its inevitable, right? Someone tell us something!!

While we were at Costco today, we grabbed a Landmark Theatre movie pass for Brady and I. We were offered a date night tomorrow!!! Just about NOTHING can beat an evening away that is given to you without having to ask for it. Two dates in two weeks feels selfish, but I’m thrilled to accept!! We’ll go out for some dinner, a movie, and maybe even get fitted for the Lulu leggings Brady had ordered for me for our anniversary last week. Yay! I’m so excited!

Brady is lovingly unpacking groceries while I get this post up, and then we’ll take a little breather together before getting everyone up in about an hour, picking up the big kids from school, and heading to my moms for the remainder of the day! SUCH a great way to spend Valentines Day!