Sleep Training, Makeup, Smoothies, and Rolling Over

As you’ve already assumed from the title of today’s post, we’ve had a pretty loaded day! I was originally planning to break it into a couple of posts so I’m not scrambling for subjects, but I have stuff up over the next couple of days and I would hate to have these stories be forgotten. So, here goes!

I’ll start with a story from last night that I didn’t share. I mentioned a couple of days ago that Laela has started rolling over. We made a pretty big deal of it, of course. Yesterday evening, we were getting the kids into fresh diapers and jammies together, and I put Laela on her tummy. She rolled over right away and we clapped our hands and celebrated her. Dekker immediately threw himself down onto the floor (no lie) and rolled over. He sat up and shrieked “Woooo!” and clapped his hands. It was completely adorable, and really reminded me that we need to continue to celebrate Dekker and his milestones. I would hate for him to feel left out, or carry any resentment towards Laela for having our attention. He adores her, and I’d like to keep it that way.

My original plan for todays post was going to be on sleep training. I know this is a touchy subject for some of you, and while I have my own opinions, I’m very neutral on the subject. Sleep train, or don’t. To each their own. In preparation for this subject, I’m going to implement the Bambi rule. If you can’t say anything nice…

We allowed Dekker to cry himself to sleep quite young. Probably around six weeks. Our rule was that he could cry for 15 minutes. Looking back, that feels like too long of a time for him to be left crying. However, being the great sleeper he’s always been, he never made it past four or five minutes. We moved him out of our room around eight weeks and he’s been sleeping through ever since. He would sometimes wake up and talk for a few minutes, but then go back to sleep on his own. Great kid, easy sleeper. We didn’t run things quite as quickly with Laela. We probably only started laying her down awake around two months. Maybe even later. By the time we thought we should let her cry herself to sleep, she didn’t really need to. She was more comfortable with her space and would sometimes fuss a bit and suck her fists, but she wasn’t a tough sell. However, at 5.5 months, she’s not sleeping through. Last night, she went to bed at a normal time for her, between 8:30 and 9:00. She gave us a beautiful stretch of sleep, all the way to 5:00am. I woke with her, and listened for a bit. She was making happy sounds, talking away, testing her voice, and flapping. Not once did she really indicate that she wanted/needed anything at all. So I waited. Until she fell back to sleep! Granted, it was just after 6:00am by that point, but she wasn’t upset in the slightest! She slept until about 8:15, and even then, she wasn’t in a huge panic to eat. This could be the start of something wonderful!!

My beautiful girl, at the beginning of her nap, waiting to fall asleep, all by herself.
My beautiful girl, at the beginning of her nap, waiting to fall asleep, all by herself.

An exciting event from today is that my makeup order arrived!!! I’ve been tracking it online and was so excited to see that it was in town! We decided that, paired with the beautifully mild weather, was a great excuse to take the kids out for a walk. Funny thing is that the kids don’t both fit in our sled anymore. Lucky for us, Dekker was thrilled to be out and walked all the way to the post office and just about all the way back. Cutest kids alive, I tell you!

Such a joker 🙂 I LOVE her winter coat!



Inside were a few samples, including shampoo and conditioner, a Marc Jacobs perfume sample, and some anti aging cream. I also got a promotional Dior primer/mascara that is weirdly white. I’m pretty curious about it! I got a waterproof black eyeliner that I’m hoping is better quality than every other pencil eyeliner I’ve used, and that came with some makeup remover. Lastly, what I was anxiously waiting for…


The Naked 2 eyeshadow palette!!! I am sooo excited to play with it!


Mmmmm… Isn’t she pretty?

I didn’t even put any on today. I don’t know where to start, and I want to really enjoy it! I enjoyed just looking at it today, haha! Sad but true. There’s a lot of pretty potential in this case.

The last thing I’ll blabber about this evening before hopping into my bath is my latest green smoothie. Todays was easily the best one thus far. It was spinach, strawberries, mangos, banana, yogurt, and orange juice. I was bragging to Brady that it was the cutest smoothie I had ever seen 🙂 See?


Pink and green! It was completely delicious. The packs I made make two big smoothies, and Brady – who is grossed out at the idea of drinking something green – drank the second one in warp speed. Yup, thats right. A small roadblock I’ve hit with the smoothies, though, is getting the spinach blended up well enough. I can’t get it! And I end up with tiny leaves in my drink. Not yummy. So today, I took my two bags of spinach from yesterday and blended the life out of them and made them into ice cubes. I know its not necessary, but I got them reeeaaally blended so I’m thinking it’ll pay off. Gotta keep this going!

Ok, this post is long enough, wouldn’t you all agree? Bath and snack time for me!