Two Mornings

We decided to hit the city for a few things today. Brady is going to be working a decent amount this week, but his schedule is still quite up in the air. Therefore, we chose today rather than waiting until a day where he all of a sudden couldn’t come with us.

It wasn’t a large trip. Walmart had good deals on things we eat and use regularly, so we picked up some veggies, pasta sauce, and yes, some instant/processed crap that we love. We then ducked over to the kids section to pick up some socks for Laela. I feel like socks were so hit and miss in the beginning, and it was impossible to find ones that didn’t fall off. I finally found a pack, so we went to buy another. Also, I purchased – wait for it – tiny little wife beaters for Dekker! I know, its a terrible name, but saying little white man tank tops just doesn’t do them justice. They’re little tough guy shirts, and I was thrilled to find them in a size 4! He’s currently in 3T, but they were the smallest available, and very tight and small, so I’m confident they’ll work. I can’t wait until I have an excuse to put him in one!

From Walmart, we ran into Costco to take advantage of a few deals, like the ecos laundry detergent, and sleepers!! Last seasons sleepers were on for $5.50, which is a pretty incredible deal actually. I bought Laela five. Aaall for right now. Probably not the best move, but those things go on sale on and off, so I’m sure I’ll get my chance again soon enough. So I snapped up some super cute new jammies for her (she is currently sleeping in the pink fish) and headed back to the car. Both kids were awake and a bit grumpy the entire drive home, which was actually the best possible thing that could have happened! Upon arriving home, we fed Laela and put both of them to bed. Where they slept like rocks for three hours straight!! It was pretty much incredible. While they slept, Brady and I did laundry and watched Modern Family. It was blissful.

I folded laundry while Brady made cheesy noodles and meat sauce. Laela started to wake up, and we let her get a bit riled up before getting her, so she would wake Dekker. She did. We sat him down at the table with his pasta in front of him, and he just about lost it. Just crying and crying. We worked to get him to calm down and figure out what he wanted, but he was determined. It took a little bit of alone time for him to pull it together and come sit back at the table. Again, we offered him his food, and he bawled. We started to wonder if his tummy was hurting. I got him to calm down and look right at me, and I asked him what he wanted. He pointed to the counter and asked for a banana. With a “please” and everything. So I went to get him one. I figured it was a nice, safe thing for an icky tummy. He wolfed it down like he hadn’t eaten in days. Once it was gone, he pointed to the fridge and asked “yort?” Yogurt. Dekker thought he was having breakfast.

I giggled a little.

I would cry too, if I had to have just a heavy, beefy breakfast in the morning! So he had his supper of banana, yogurt, life cereal, and milk. And he was happy! Confused, clearly, but happy. After some playtime downstairs, though, both kids were more than ready for bed.

We are also ready to end the day. It was a really good one, don’t get me wrong! We accomplished a decent amount of stuff, got everything we went to the city for, and were home at 3:00! But now, its time to rest our feet.