Staying Home

For the first time in a long while, we stayed home today! We had no one through, and we didn’t go anywhere. Well, we had a neighbour pop by for a cup of sugar, so to speak. Ok, it was actually chicken stock, but thats not the saying! Otherwise, though, we kept it quiet. It was interesting, haha! We are usually home bodies, but recently, we have LOVED all the activity in our lives! I used to be lucky if I had an outing or company planned once in a week, but these days, I’ve been so blessed to even occasionally have day company as well as evening plans!

I promise, I’m not sitting here saying that no one was willing or happy to come visit, or that I was unable to go out and make it happen that way either. I just didn’t. And whether thats a valid reason or not, I’ve made a decision about this time in my life, and all the action.

Whether or not I could have had more company and closer friends before, I have it now, and because its happening now, its new and exciting, and keeps me busy. I think it is really really helping me stay happy while we’re still living here. I don’t want to complain, because I am so thankful to have a beautiful home in a beautiful place to call our own. Nothing is wrong with where we live, except that our hearts are elsewhere. Its hard. I’ll leave it at that. What I’m trying to say is that NOW is the time that some wonderful people are really coming into my life again, or some for the first time, and some have been constants in my life for a long time. All these things considered, I’m so blessed to be busy, and surrounded by people I truly love. You know who you all are 😉 I don’t know what I’d be doing without you to help fill my days!

All of this considered, though, I want to make it clear that we are still VERY MUCH looking to sell our place and move on to the next adventure. These people and plans and love are keeping me at bay. Barely. I’m in way better shape than I’d be if not for my friends, and while I’m pushing myself to say the word “content,” I still ache to be home, where we really feel that is.


BUY OUR HOUSE!!! PLEASE!! I’m not kidding, does anyone know anyone looking??

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…..