Unexpected Change of Plans!

Our plan for today was super basic: laundry, and a bit of research. I have a bud of an idea that might make meal planning work for me, so I’m looking out for the ideal meal planning template. So I had plans to sit around in between laundry switches and search for that online printable.

We got on the ball with exactly those plans. Brady got the kids breakfast while I gathered up the dirty clothes and towels and dragged it all downstairs. (Not to self: Install laundry chutes in the next house.) We were on our second load of laundry when I got a text from my friend, Kim, saying we needed to get our husbands to meet sometime soon. Very few texts later, we had been invited over for steak and a play date. I love spontaneous invites like that!! We decided to get together after afternoon naps, so we chucked a salad together and got ourselves ready and together while the kids slept. Once everyone was up, we dressed them and got on the road.

I’ve gotta say, its so fun to meet people who feel like we’ve known them for years. Conversation was so easy with them, and while Dekker was in a special place today (sigh) Laela played so well with their kids, and Rowan only had one good cry when he was hungry. The one thing all the kids could agree on, though, was water. They have an inflatable pool on their deck, and everyone got in. It was so funny to watch! Laela specifically was throwing toys around, soaking everyone. The four kids old enough to be in there were absolutely soaked from head to toe. They would then come and cuddle in towels before squirming to get down and back in the game, whether the game was still in the pool or back in the sand. So. Much. Fun! They even got in the sprinkler, but Laela was pretty worked up when she couldn’t seem to get away from it. She was kind of walking in circles around it, but not moving far enough away from it, saying “all done” over and over again. It was adorable. They all did great though! We ate steak, pasta salad, and salad salad for supper, and it was all delicious. All of it. Oh, and dessert was ice cream and apple crisp!! Delicious! The kids kind of sucked at eating it though, haha, and there were blobs of ice cream all over the floor!! Not ideal, lol, but it was super tasty 🙂 The messiest foods always are.

We didn’t stay too late, since we all have young ones who go to bed at reasonable times in the evening, but it was really lovely to go out visiting for supper and some fun time outside. Granted, the smoke is pretty wicked today, but we kept an eye out and weren’t outside the entire time at all.

I completely agree with the idea that the good things are worth working for, but its been so nice meeting some lovely people and having it be quite so smooth and easy.

Psst! Hey, Kim and Aaron! We like you guys.