SUCH a Busy Sunday

It was a super lovely, albeit busy, day. It started at balls a.m., where I stumbled through getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and getting out the door before 8:00, coffee in hand. I know, I know, many of you do it every day, but I myself am NOT Sunday ready so early. Thank you, mom, for being at our house so early as well, and helping our kids gets their breakfast finished up and their clothes on.

Brady and I picked Carrie up and headed to church for our sound check and practice. We practiced from 8:00-9:00 when the older kids were set to practice their Christmas program. Carrie’s husband had lovingly picked Dekker and Laela up for us, so that was one less trip for us to make. We helped the kids practice one song that they’ll do at the Christmas program, and then were free to go. We took Carrie back home and headed home ourselves. Brady loaded the middle boys up and took them to Sunday School with him, and my mom and I visited a little while we got Waverly ready for church. We actually talked about some really good stuff that was on our hearts. It turned out to be a really important time of conversation for me. I sure love you, mom ❤️ The three of us made it to church right around 10:25, about five minutes before the music was about to start!

It was a pretty smooth Sunday morning! We led the church in song, and it didn’t flop! Lol! Woot! The service was good, but as soon as it was done, Brady beetled the kids out of there and mom and I stayed for the budget meeting afterwards. Once that was done, I contacted Brady. He had lunch and naps under control, and plans to work on the basement after the fact. Mom and I had a commitment at 3:00 that afternoon anyway, so we decided to spend that chunk of time, having lunch, and getting a few things organized for the rest of the day. We wrapped a baby gift, wrote a card, fried some bacon in advance for bacon cheese buns for supper, and made some plans for Christmas. It was productive and also really enjoyable. I love that balance. Its so hard to find.

While I was at moms, Rae got in touch with me and said she was ready for my big kids! Dekker and Laela ran across the street to go decorate cookies with her. They’ve been looking forward to that activity for literal months. I think Dekker started asking in October. Thank you for always loving and inviting our kids ❤️

We hit up a baby shower in the afternoon to celebrate a very special little rainbow baby girl. ALL babies are miraculous, aren’t they? Well so was this one, and she sure looked the paper 😍 Just beautiful. We had some nice visits and headed home. Was coming time for supper, and Brady had texted that Wavy was not so agreeable since her nap.

True. She was pretty needy, but she was just hungry earlier than usual. So she ate a little while we put the bacon grilled cheese buns together. We had SUCH a yummy supper! And even some cookies a la Dekker and Laela for dessert!

As the evening wound up, mom helped me with some fundraiser stuff for the kids, and I tried to get some details organized. There is SO much to do these days! Oy! Meanwhile, someone came by and picked up one of the homemade gift exchange gifts, and another one was dropped off! Eek! Its happening, guys!!

I didn’t sleep well at all last night, so my body is OVER it, haha! I’m gonna hop into a late bath and hope that relaxed my muscles and I’m in less pain overnight. I think my body will forgive me as soon as I stop knitting, honestly, hahaha! I’m ALMOST done! I promise!

Wish me luck! Tomorrow, the crazy starts all over again! Bradys at work, kids going to school, me having to be SO organized! Yikes! But there is just so much to look forward to in the coming weeks 🙂 I can’t wait!