ALL the Men Down

Well, the little men, anyway.

I was the most recent sickie, tossing them cookies last Wednesday. Its all been fine since then. Kids have rallied easily, and we’ve tried to do our part to not be out and about while contagious. But there has been no sign of sickness in any of them for a good stretch. We were officially in the clear.

Except of course we weren’t. Its as though we let our guard down and the bellies just knew.

Just after bedtime yesterday, literally maybe fifteen minutes later, Laela came running out of her room, saying that Solomon was throwing up. We ran in and indeed, he had done some things. No details, don’t worry. But it was a sight. We plucked him out of his bed and moved him across the room with a bucket. Beautiful Laela sat with him and rubbed his back, reminding him to lean over the bucket. He was done throwing up, but still, she was on it. She even helped him get on fresh jammies. THAT was CUTE!!! Brady and I dealt with the mess of his bed and the floor. *shudders* It was quite the thing. Now, Dekker was still up but he was cuddled into a chair, reading a book, and honestly I think he completely missed the whole thing. Rowan ducked out of his room once to check the commotion and offered to help. We reassured him and sent him back to bed, and promised to come ask if we needed anything 😉 Ro ❤️ He’s super sweet sometimes.

Finally, all was cleaned up enough and Solly went back to bed without argument. The house stunk a little, but thats not unheard of. We eventually sent Dekker off to bed, visited with our neighbour a bit, Brady cut baseboard for the basement, I had a soak, and we went to bed.

Aaaaand woke up around 4:30 to a click of the closet door outside of our bedroom. Dekker was barfing, and had come up to get himself a bucket. 🤮 Ugh. Here he was, trying to take care of things all on his own. Our door is inches from that closet, and he hadn’t even come in!! Better yet, had contained it ALL! He had made it to the bathroom, thank goodness. Then he’d retrieved a bucket, where he’d tossed the rest. Dekker was SO brave, shivering in his underwear by the sink. I wiped him down a little while he reassured me he was ok, and we tucked him back in. Not much to do in that case. He had done it all on his own ❤️ He’s so big.

I had a hard time getting back to sleep at that point, and right around 6:30, Rowan woke me up to tell me Dekker was on his second round. This time it was ALL in the bucket, and it just needed a rinse and he was back to bed!

I feel so bad for my kids when they’re sick. But I have to say, I am SO proud of how brave they are! I still sometimes cry when I vomit, and they rarely do. In some ways, I’m a bit of a no nonsense parent, but I have nothing but compassion for them when they’re ill! Yet, they power through and handle it, as though they already know how much better they’ll feel after they throw up. They just roll with it.

My big and little boys ❤️ I’m super proud of them for getting through yet another difficult bout of sickness (its not our first, if you hadn’t heard) and smiling through the day anyway. Remind me to be more like you!