That weird pervy guy over there…

I ran errands in the city yesterday with Dekker. I was not looking my best. This is an example of a conversation I could have had yesterday. I say again, I DID NOT have this conversation, but if I did, I wouldn’t have been surprised.

What is that on your head?

Its my grease-hider, or “bandana,” if you prefer.

Is that make up I see?

No. Its not. I promise, you don’t see any make up.

Then what is that all over your face?

That would be the break out of a fourteen year old boy. Actually, the whole look kind of says “fourteen year old boy” doesn’t it?

So all of that being said, I reiterate that I was NOT at my best yesterday. But big deal. I was grocery shopping and getting a few other things done with Dekker, and he doesn’t care if I’m super pretty or not. So I was loading him up at RBC and I saw a man in his vehicle beside us kind of looking over at us. I smiled at him, figuring maybe he wanted to pull out and was waiting for us to be finished. He smiled back. I got into the car and was checking a text and choosing a song off my iPod before I went anywhere, when I heard a horn honk. Just tapped. I looked around, to see if maybe someone was waiting for my spot. And this pervy guy is still parked beside me, just staring at us, with this pervy smile on his pervy face! He made a motion for me to roll down my window, and I took that as my opportunity to drive away. Creep. I watched my back all the way to my next stop.

I will be the first to admit, that kind of thing almost never happens to me. Before, I would just laugh at it, but now I feel a lot more protective of Dekker and I appreciate these kind of creepers even less. Just because I have it, here is an example of one that I laughed at…

…until I realized that no one in the vicinity of where my car was parked was within even ten years of my age. Plus, I was clearly pregnant at this point. But I did laugh at the time.

One more random quirky story of yesterday, ok? I was in line at Superstore and had loaded my groceries onto the conveyer belt thing. There was room for the lady behind us to start unloading hers too, but there was no separator bar. Plus, there was a large group ahead of me with only a few things, so they took up a lot of space and I couldn’t really move to make room. So I casually apologized to be polite (since she and Dekker were already flirting away) and she shrugged very casually and told me not to worry. I thanked her and said “So you’re not in a big rush?” and she replies “The end is coming.” I kind of laughed, and said that its true, the end will come. And all of a sudden she starts kind of pointing around her, saying things like “These people just walk around like they don’t know, but they know. The end of the world is coming!” Not gonna lie, I loved her 🙂  Not that I necessarily “knew” that the world was ready to crash and burn in front of my eyes, but its nice to know she’s ready for it anyway.

On that weirdo note, I’m off. I need to shower and beautify and pack up Dekker before 10am so we can be at the Neufeld reunion before lunch. Should be good!