Today we pray

If you haven’t quite heard yet, a tragedy took place last night. In a movie theatre in Colorado, during the midnight showing of the brand new Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises,” someone went to the front of the theatre and began shooting into the crowd, killing 14 people and injuring over 50, among them a six year old. The shooter was found still on theatre premisses and is in custody. That doesn’t make it better though, really. I mean, he did still kill those people.

I would really like to see that movie. However, I don’t do great with scary, or even really suspenseful movies. I’ve always had a very wild imagination and while that can be great for pretending and playing, it can be pretty unnerving in other situations. I remember, as a teenager, opening my closet before I went to bed to make sure no one was in there, or climbing under my bed to assure myself that if I could barely fit, an attacker probably couldn’t. Right? As an adult, I’d decided to phase out most “Law & Order” type of shows, just to preserve my mental health. But on occasion (almost like a special treat) I’ll watch something suspenseful, since I really love suspense and mystery. I was so looking forward to the new Batman movie. But this event got me thinking.

Remember when “The Dark Knight” came out? Heath Ledger was a spectacular villain! I knew he was the Joker going in (as did the rest of the world) but even though I spent the whole movie trying to see his face, I couldn’t! There was maybe one place where I could say “Ok, there! I saw some Heath Ledger in that expression.” He did amazing. And then he died. Did you know (the paper’s said) that he spent a large chunk of his days during filming holed up in a hotel room alone to “get into character?” Apparently he died of a drug overdose. I have no doubt that things got pretty dark all alone in that hotel room, while he got into his role as a murderous crazy person. Now I’m sure people would argue with me and say he just ODed, it had nothing to do with the film, and that’s fine, but this is my perspective so just let it happen.

Now “The Dark Knight Rises” is out and while I”m very curious to see it, I’m just not sure if I will. Don’t get me wrong. People can go see it! I don’t think its “wrong” to go see it! I would really love to! But to me, this is a chain of events I’m not sure I want to link to. I feel like the movies are getting a little too dark and creepy for my taste.

Perhaps the shooter in Colorado last night was just a lunatic who knew there would be a big turn out and wanted to take the most lives possible. Who knows. I’m not saying that all Batman fans are ticking time bombs. HIs actions could have been completely unrelated to scary movies!

While I don’t think we should live in fear of anyone other than the Holy Ghost, I think we need to be good to ourselves and guard our hearts. And we need to pray.

God, cover those families who have been affected by this event in Colorado last night. Bless the families of those lost, and cover those who are injured. Bring those who don’t know you to you. And cover the shooter. Be real to all of these people, so much so that they can’t live another day without feeling your comfort.  While I know this shooting is such a small thing in the world of war that we live in, I’m just feeling it close to home. Keep my family safe. Help me raise my kids in a way that honors you.


Keep my son gentle and loving. Amen.