The Adventures of Dekker and Laela

My two oldest children tend to butt heads more often than my other kids. Ha! Buttheads. Seriously, thats just SO right some of these days. They can coexist in the same room and be around each other, but most days, it seems that anything one does will bother the other. It can be incredibly exhausting refereeing their little games all day long. Dekker is the oldest, and his personality is that of an oldest child. He’s very responsible, somewhat controlling, and whether its from birth order or just himself, he is very sensitive and easily wounded. Laela is a middle child, but it seems like she just thinks of herself as another oldest. Perhaps the oldest girl. She, however, it a bit more of a go-getter than her cautious older brother, which tends to put them on a pretty level playing field. Dekker was a bit behind on a few things until Laela pulled him along with her as she learned them. They could be a great pair!

I have high hopes for next year, when they’re both in school and have more to relate on. When they both feel more grown up, both have homework, both know some of the same people, both are learning more, etc. I’m excited for them to eventually walk to and from school together, and be pushed to converse and become better friends. Up to this point, they haven’t had much time one on one. Today, however, they did!

A friend offered to take them to a VBS program in a nearby town this week. She was bringing her children, and she knew of another mom or two doing the same. She lovingly texted me a while back and said she’d happily register my kids and drive them each day. What an amazing offer to me, and a great opportunity for my kids! We took her up on her offer, and it all started today!

They were SO excited this morning!! They burst through breakfast, got dressed and brushed quickly, and then waited by the stairs asking “How many minutes until they get here?” It was both annoying and endearing. Thankfully, their ride and their friends showed up shortly thereafter, and off they went. No one even hugged me or said goodbye. They just booted it out the door. Sweeties.

I figured, with two less kids, I could be somewhat productive in those few hours, but no dice. Miss Wavy woke up for her breakfast within five minutes of the big kids leaving, and that was that. I had my three little sweeties on hand for the remainder of the morning. It was pretty cute, though vastly unproductive.

We didn’t accomplish much at all this morning, but it was still lovely. The little boys raced cars together, the baby slept on me a lot, and we had a quick drop in visit from a friend bearing a beautiful gift for Waverly. She didn’t even judge my grey on grey on grey stylist outfit. Thats a good friend right there!

I got the little boys fed and down for naps before the big ones made it home, which was actually pretty perfect. They were absolutely amped upon arriving home, eager to share their excitement and stories. They had eaten a snack when they were out, and neither of them were especially hungry for lunch, so they split an apple and we pulled out the lego.

I haven’t seen them play this well together in SO LONG.

They’re just chatting nonstop as they play and build and work together. Once in a while, Laela gets irritated with him, and I’ve been able to talk her down off her ledge pretty quickly, which isn’t always the case. I’m getting such a nice vibe from them right now, and I can tell they’re feeling it, too. Lots of pleases and thank yous and little secretive giggles as they show each other their creations. Just a minute ago, Laela asked Dekker politely for help, and when he tried, he broke what she was making. He apologized and tried to fix it. I heard “Well, its a little different. Is it ok that I changed it a little?” Laela replied completely happily and said it was fine. The good manners are flowing. Even if it just lasts a few minutes, I’m SO happy its happening. These moments keep me alive sometimes. Its IN there! They DO love each other!

I’m excited to see what the rest of the week of VBS brings! And I’m so thankful for friends who reach out and love on my kids on their own.