Why I Feel Great Today

There are a small handful of reasons why I’m feeling great today, and I want to share them with you lovely people. Here are the top five.

The stormy, windy, rainy weather makes me happy. I don’t know what it is. I’ve always loved a good crasher of a storm, but not as much the gloomy weather. That seems to have changed in the recent year or two. I’m literally only realizing this moment that my view has changed. Perhaps because I’ve seen beautiful things come from my own personal storms. Huh.

Wavy smiled so nice and big at me this afternoon! Her social smiles are juuust starting, and I mean juuust barely. Today, I was smooching her beautiful little lips, which usually annoys her more than pleases her, and when I pulled away a little, her eyes locked on me and she just gave me a beautiful, bright smile. Gosh, I can’t wait until she smiles all the time!!!

We convinced Cher to come over for brunch, and Brady made a delicious breakfast ring thing. Its super easy and ridiculously yummy! No better way to start the day than with good people and good food!

Waverly slept a SEVEN HOUR STRETCH for us last night!!!! From 10pm – 5am! She drank about half of a usual daytime bottle and went back to sleep until about 8:30am. That girl, though. She’s so great.

Thing number five is a big one, and the attaboy goes to you guys! 💜 I wasn’t kidding when I wrote on yesterday’s post that I wished I could turn off comments. I was SO worried about everyone’s reactions, and on such a sensitive topic as this, I didn’t want anyone to end up hurt. But I also wanted to share our backstory and my reasoning behind the choices we’ve made. I actually wrote that post out a while ago and flip flopped about whether or not to actually post it. Sometimes I go back and forth, decide to post, and regret it afterwards. Not often, but its happened. But I’m SO happy I posted yesterday’s post! I posted it, shared it, and then left my house for the rest of the day. And I’ll admit, every time a notification popped up on my phone about another comment on Facebook on the link, I got more and more nervous. You guys know I’m not some big known blogger, so I knew that any conversation in the comments would be between my friends, and I really care about my friends! Reading through the comments, however, just made me love you guys more. No one put anyone down, no one said anything snide or rude, and while I KNOW there were a lot of different people in the comments who feel very different ways, we ALL settled on the same point – that a fed baby is the priority, plain and simple. END THE STUPID MOMMY WARS ALREADY!! I want to be part of that change 🙂 The more women speak to each other the way they did in the comments section yesterday, the less defensive we’ll all have to be, and the less we’ll judge each other. That positivity has me still feeling good today. So THANK YOU for that!!!

Tomorrow begins the new work week! Brady is working the first few days, and the end of the week is busy with good stuff! Its nice to have things to look forward to.