The Best Problem In The World

It took a lot of work getting Laela to sleep last night. She was just miserable and we couldn’t figure it out. An extra bottle and diaper change later, she was still sad. I finally stuck my fingers into her mouth and discovered two new molars growing. We gave her some Tylenol and watched a bit of YouTube with her before she went down. Noticeable relief. Except that she lulled multiple times. She easily went back down on her own, but she did not sleep soundly at all.

The kids let me sleep in until around 8:30, which was very sweet of them. When I went into their room to get them, they were both chipper and playing Blankets, but Laela’s whole face and jammies were completely soaked. The best part was that they were soaked in the special substance that was pouring out of her nose. That same substance has poured from her nose all day long. She was covered in snot and hot to the touch.

So I got the kids their breakfast and gave Laela some Tylenol. And truly, she was unbelievably good considering how she was obviously feeling. She sat on my lap a bit more than usual throughout the morning, but that was about it. At first, she just wanted quiet. So she would go from my lap to the complete opposite side of the basement to play on her own. She would come back over when her nose was runny, get it wiped up, and then go back. A pretty endearing system, if you ask me.

The kids are now tucked in, my hands have been thoroughly washed, and I was eager to come write here about having a really good problem 🙂 No ones goal is for the illness of one kid to travel through the family, obviously. But today, Dekker knows that Laela is sick, and he is working like a dog to help her feel better.

She had her bottle while laying on my lap today, so I could try and help her hold head up. While she was drinking, Dekker began bringing her toys. I suggested her wait until she was done drinking (I’m trying to get her as fluided up as I can!) but he was quite insistent that she wanted to cuddle. He pulled out a bunch of stuffed toys, and of course, she was distracted and wanted to sit up. And then the kissing began. He wanted to kiss her and hug her, and he made all of the stuffed animals kiss and hug her. Now I don’t know about you guys and your families but in this house, we kiss our kids on the mouth. No weirdness if you don’t, but we do, and we love it. So everything was being pushed against her mouth/nose around, which is a pretty icky, wet space. I wanted to stop it, but he was sooo sweet to her, and she was LOVING it! Giggles all around, and lots of returned hugs and kisses. He even gave her bites of his prized ham sandwich at lunch. He wants sooo badly for her to feel better!

So, all in all, both kids will likely be sick by morning, lol! But I guess we’ll just rock it. At least we’re not going anywhere for another week and a half. Hopefully we’re all cleared up by then.

While the kids rest, I’m doing my best to get some gift wrapping started anyway. So much pretty new wrapping paper that I’m excited to break out!