The Craziest Sunday EVER!

Today was nuts. Or bananas. Huh. A Sunday with bananas and nuts. Sounds suspiciously like a different kind of Sunday.

Brady and I were up for worship leading in the morning, and as always, practice was set for 9am so we could level it all out with the sound guy. Being that we live a decent ways away, we have to leave home around 8:30 to make it to church by 9:00. Aaaaand either we slept through the alarms or turned them off while sleeping, but I woke up and groggily looked at the clock at 8:15. Panic ensued. Brady and I bolted out of bed and raced around like crazy people!! Nineteen minutes later, Brady, Dekker and I were all dressed and in the car. I even got some makeup on before we left. We brought all our ice cream and toppings for our lunch gathering with friends, as well as breakfast for Dekker. We even remembered things like a fresh wet bag and an extra patch for when Dekker got up from his afternoon nap. We brought everything!! But it was chaos.

Practice did not go smoothly. Dekker took one biff and would not go down for the rest of it, so Brady barely got to play guitar. It wasn’t devastating, since we practiced together Saturday night, but it would have been nice to work out the sound in advance anyway. It felt very haphazard to me, which is always ominous when you know that in a short time you’ll be playing and singing in front of a crowd, even though they are all wonderful people.

Between practice and the actual service is about 45 minutes. We headed to my moms house for a quick breakfast and reprieve so we could take a breath before heading back out. We had some raisin toast and tried to rest a little but in no time at all, we had to head back to church. We got back in plenty of time, and Brady put Dekker down for a nap. I know, it seems nuts but Dekker will still sleep through church on the Sundays that we lead, since we have to wake him up so early. When he was quiet, Brady and I played some music just to bring people into the seats, and then we started.

God is good, and calmed our flustered nerves, and I think I can safely say the music sounded good. Technically, and spiritually. It was nice to see such a good response, and to not make as many mistakes as I thought we might. It wasn’t the smoothest worship set we’ve done but I think it hit home to a few people anyway.

As the music tends to work at our church, we were up three different times throughout the service, plus Brady played a song during offertory. As soon as the service was done, and we played everyone out, I was rushed up so a large group of men could move the huge piano from the ground level back up onto the stage. From there, I chatted with a whole bunch of people about Dekker, since this was the first time he had been in church with a patch. So I recounted the last two weeks a few times over while buying a carseat canopy off a friend of mine and accepting a crib mattress one lovely woman in our church was giving away. Dekker’s morning workouts have destroyed his mattress and I’m scared the springs are going to poke out and attack him one night, so this was sooo perfect and super generous! If you haven’t caught the theme of the day, it was “nonstop.”

I was late getting downstairs after church, where my small group was meeting for the first time since June. We took the summer off form meeting every two weeks and now we’re back! We just did a nice meal together to set up times and dates, but mostly just to catch up with each other. It was really nice to see everyone together again, with sooo many kids between all of us! I like our group a lot 🙂 We at e a ton, and everyone did a solid number on the ice cream we brought! We have lots left over from Dekker’s party and we did some serious damage on it today, which i’m actually thrilled about. Losing baby weight will be easier if I have less than 23L of ice cream in my house…

After lunch, Dekker was furious. I wonder if he actually slept at all this morning or just lay there listening. But he was exhausted. Sweating, acting out, screeching, etc. So we brought him to my moms and put him down. Instead of everyone taking a load off finally, Brady drove to Costco. We discovered a day or two ago that my front passenger tire is slowly leaking. Thankfully, we got our tires at Costco and those repairs and patch jobs are free! So Brady went to go get that fixed, and to pick up the groceries that are on our list to buy this week that aren’t found at Superstore. One less thing to accomplish on Tuesday and Thursday, our designated errand days! However, while Brady was still going strong, I was not. I lay on the couch and watched a bit of TV with my mom before we decided to play cards. I didn’t even wear my bra this afternoon. I was too uncomfortable for it, and I just wanted to relax finally! So I did, and it was awesome.

Dekker slept the afternoon away and Brady came home in good time! We had a quiet supper all together before getting Dekker up. Luckily, he loved supper and ate really well, and then played toys like crazy until we left. Now, we are home and sooo ready for a bath! I’ve eaten so much today, I’m not sure if we’ll even snack. Maybe we’ll check to see if the nectarines are good yet.

On a final note, for the last couple of nights, my throat has been a bit sore. Definitely not the time to get sick. So I will first snack on some vitamin C and gargle mouthwash, and then assess the other snack situation. Prayers against illness would be greatly appreciated!

It is SO good to be home!

Grandma and Dekker talking about the baby. Dekker gave "George" kisses and hauled him around in his little toy wagon. At one point, he actually took George out of the wagon, held him really tight, and spun in circles :) Best big brother ever!
Grandma and Dekker talking about the baby. Dekker gave “George” kisses and hauled him around in his little toy wagon. At one point, he actually took George out of the wagon, held him really tight, and spun in circles 🙂 Best big brother ever!