The Entrance of the House

When we built our house, the entrance wasn’t something I put much thought into. We picked the tile color, but beyond that, it was just the entrance. We didn’t care. What do people really think about in that area?

A lot, actually. It seems like most houses have this teeny tiny entrance, and without really knowing about it, we ended up with a decent sized entryway! Its not huge, but it could be a LOT smaller. There isn’t a lot of room for people to move to the side once shoes are on, but it can hold a lot of people. I hold the memory of our entrance on the day of Wavy’s party. It was covered in shoes. You could see where the first few people had tried to line them up, but before too long, it was just a free for all. I loved it. I loved seeing how many people had come through our house that day.

This morning, as many of you know, it was frigidly cold outside. Like BRUTAL cold. As has been the theme this week, it was clear I needed to drive Dekker to school. It wasn’t reasonable to expect him to walk, though he’s such a tough cookie, I’m sure he would have. But no way. So when the time was drawing near, I asked the kids to head into the entrance to get their coats and boots on.

Thank goodness, only one kid was dressing for school that day. Dekker was trying to get into his snow pants and all the pieces, and that takes up some space. Laela was getting her boots and jacket on, and Solly was working on his boots after dragging his jacket from the closet to the middle of the entrance.

Pretty quickly I noticed that Rowan was wearing neither socks nor a shirt. Sigh. I hustled him up the stairs and convinced him to wear socks. He has brand new socks, so he was easily talked into it. A shirt, not so much. Ok fine. He wouldn’t be leaving the van anyway. I got him back to the entrance, where he swung his jacket around, “trying” to put his arm into the second sleeve.

So while they were doing that, I went upstairs and woke Wavy up. I moved her right from her bed into a thick onesie that she can wear in her car seat. I carried her down, strapped her into her seat, and carried it into the entrance. Laela was zipping Rowan’s jacket up. Solly wasn’t letting anyone near him, but his boots were on.

Shoot! I forgot Wavy’s blanket! Ran back up the stairs. While I was up in my room, our doorbell rang.

Who could that POSSIBLY be?!?!

Was someone coming to offer to drive Dekker? Because thank you, but also, you’re too late.

But of course not. I ran down to open the door. It was a FedEx guy, dropping off Brady’s replacement phone case. When I let him into the house, he just stared. As if our “decent sized” entrance wasn’t full enough. He looked at the kids and just whispered “wow…” under his breath. We shared a two second comment about the weather, and he was gone.

I couldn’t close the door right away. Would’ve pinched a kid in it.

It was pure chaos for that ten-ish minute span of time this morning, but it keeps up close 🙂 Me, my five kids, and the FedEx guy.