The Great and the Not So Great

Today started pretty well! Brady’s work has been a bit out of sorts, so he wasn’t able to go in for the morning. But it meant he and I could do morning stuff together! Woot! It was great!

Cher came over in the mid morning for coffee and hanging out. She fits in SO well around here. It was great!

Brady’s work got further disorganized and complicated. If we weren’t so in need of income, he would walk away from this current job. He was SO frustrated this morning. It was not great.

He eventually went in to work, and Cher and I watched a show before we set up for her to carve a pumpkin, and for me to test out a new crocheting method. We sipped our drinks and chatted. It was great!

Brady’s work got further frustrating. He was finally able to be productive, but it was not great.

Cher and I worked on our projects for a couple of solid hours. It was SO enjoyable, and we got lots done! A very very successful afternoon for us! It was great!

And then the kids came home 😳 Spoiler alert. it was not great. Laela and Rowan had some serious argument going, and it was getting rowdy. Both of those two are pretty hard headed, and neither of them would give in. One NEEDED to order another around, and the other would NOT be told what to do! the standoff wouldn’t quit, so I made a new plan. That was great!

I had them leave each other along, and come in to do their backpacks. They did all the necessary after school stuff, and then I told them they’d both be taking breaks. Both of them are currently tucked into their beds with books, breathing and being on their own. Neither of them fought it. They both very clearly needed the rest. I hope very much they weren’t in that shape at school, but I haven’t heard anything from their teachers, so, fingers crossed!

With the two fighters tucked away in bed, the other three are snuggled up, reading on couches. How did I get so many readers?! Where did these kids come from?! They are GREAT!

Oh wait. I remember where they came from… Never mind.