Those Choppy Nights

You know whats unfair? The fact that the full moon actually does affect sleep. And whats even less fair is the fact that it shows up before the full moon does!! Does anyone else see that noticeable shift in their home?? We sure do!

Brady did not sleep well last night. It was choppy, he said, and he woke up startled.

Dekker said the same thing. His night was choppy. He had woken up much earlier than usual and was feeling very sluggish.

Laela said she had a nightmare, and got up to pee, and then dozed in and out until the morning.

Rowan was in BAD shape this morning. Very disobedient and easily upset. The way he acts when he’s extra tired.

Solomon had a big meltdown even before breakfast. He went to the girls room to cool off before joining us, and I found him half asleep in Laela’s bed.

And Waverly has been fighting breakfast hard today. This girl loves her cereal, but today has not been smooth so far. She’s just staring blankly at me, droopy eyed.

Sooooo… basically this post is to let you all know how I die…