The Last Day Before…

Easter break!!

Tomorrow begins the kids break from school! The kids are off in time for Good Friday, all next week, and go back the following Monday. Thats a LOVELY long stretch to have them home! I hope we get in tons of playing outside, walks, and that we kick this lazy cold sooner than later! Would be such a bummer to be sick the entire break.

Brady, Carrie, and I are leading music tomorrow at our local church’s morning service. (Still looking for an hour or so of childcare in the morning during practice, if anyone is available!) But after church, I’m hoping to go for a drive and take some pictures with my mom and see where we end up from there!

Thus begins a week off! Not for Brady, though. He’s back at work in a BIG way. I doubt we’ll see much of him at all. I know we’ll all miss him a lot.

That all being said, we have a double batch of our rocket fuel iced coffee in the fridge, and our awesome playground is just a couple blocks away! I hope we meet lots of you there over next week!

Next week, our little worship band has a real gig at a coffee house in Martensville! Its on Thursday! Who wants to come?? 🤗 We’re SO excited!!