A Frustrating Eye Appointment

Dekker saw his eye doctor a few months ago, and they said they were unsure if his glasses accommodated for his current prescription. That didn’t make a ton of sense to us, but they wouldn’t really expand on it. Rather, they said they’d want to double check his eyes sooner than they might usually. And that was today.

Brady took him in, and they went to orthoptics first, as usual, to do the bulk of the exercises/tests. Same as last time, they said something wasn’t quite right. He might need a new prescription. It was less about his glasses this time and more than maybe his prescription wasn’t accommodating for his astigmatism. So they put drops in and said to wait a half hour or so. So as has become their custom, Brady took Dekker down to the cafeteria for a treat.

They arrived back up at the eye care centre as Dekker’s name was being called. He cooperated well through his everything and wouldn’t you know it…

His eye doctor said she’d like to see him without the drops in, without his pupils dilated.

*rolls eyes*

Sooooo now we have to make another appointment in a couple weeks! Gah! Its looking like Dekker will need a new prescription, but we’ll know for sure within a month or so. Hey, at least we didn’t pay out the nose for the last glasses :/ Small victories!