The Last Man Standing

Poor Brady. *sigh* He felt SO sick this morning, and he still had to rally and go to work. He did not barf. Yet. Hopefully he doesn’t! We have located all of the flu medications in our house, so we’re better armed for the night, but hopefully this morning was the worst of it. 🤞 Wish us luck for his busy week! I’ll tell you guys more about his work soon. There may be some change afoot. We don’t even know yet, but when we do, you will!

Brady headed in to work late today, understandably, and Cher came over to hang with Solly and Waverly while I took Rowan to preschool. My mom came for coffee, too, and the three of us solidly enjoyed the preschool stretch. Eventually, though, my I mom went home to get going on some lists and Cher and I spend the rest of the morning and afternoon together. We had lots and lots to talk about, so it was really really nice. We originally thought we’d go downstairs and watch some tv, as both of us were feeling pretty dog tired, but ended up chatting the afternoon away on my comfy couches.

Tonight will hold another super lame supper of safe bland food, for the sake of tummies. You’d better believe the kids who feel healthy today are less fond of boring suppers, but they’re gonna make it. I’m not taking any risks, and I also don’t want to make two different meals, lol! So tonight will hold English muffins, and scrambled eggs for anyone who feels ballsy enough to eat eggs. Anyone else scared of eggs when they’re sick? 🙋‍♀️ Just me? Ok cool. We’ll see what the kids say…