The Middle Boys

I haven’t updated on this years big events in a while. Dekker’s collarbone is nice and healed up, as far as we can tell. I can thump him in the chest and shoulders playfully and he just laughs. He’s good to go! The short version about my pain is that there is continued progress, but I’m still working on it. I have a bigger, more in depth post about that coming, but I need real time to actually get it all written out and these days are not the days for long blogs, becauuuse…

Everyone has colds, lol! I’m sure you’ve caught onto this. Laela missed a chunk of school last week and then passed everyone her cold over that weekend. Such a generous girl, she is. 

Yesterday, I took their snotty faces into Saskatoon with me for an appointment that I had booked for myself a month ago, and Brady sat in the van while with them while I saw Dr. Guselle. I took a full hour of her time, but thank goodness, the kids were exhausted and lethargic and no one got too antsy. 

I was SO relieved everyone stayed awake for the drive home! I lay them ALL down for naps (everyone except Laela, who was at school) and they all slept. It was lovely. Solomon and Wavy slept longer than anyone else. When it was time go in and get Solly, he was wailing. He had woken up and cried on and off through his nap, but just those tired, mournful cries that just tell me he’s super overtired. But when I finally went to him, he was SO betrayed.

“MY EAR HURTS!!!” 😩 He cried and cried and cried. 

And that left me calling Dr. Guselle’s office, trying to scrounge up an appointment for the next day. As if she hadn’t heard from me enough already that day. I called the front desk and as usual, they told me she was booking far ahead. The SOONEST I could get on with someone in her group was the 19th. That felt like a LONG time to just leave him crying on and off. Dr. Guselle has discussed this not too long ago, and she told me exactly what to say to get them to listen to me. To basically go off of their script. So I did. 

And they STILL wouldn’t find me an appointment sooner!

So I had to call Dr. Guselle’s desk. Which I HATE doing, because I always feel like I’m overstepping or pushing boundaries. But she always reassures me that she gave me her desk number for a reason, and I can use it anytime. 

She called me shortly thereafter, and booked us an appointment for the next day over the lunch hour. And thats today!!

What a whirlwind that appointment turned out to be. I had expected to take Solomon in for his ears, but he was already feeling a lot better. Meanwhile, Rowan came home from preschool a ball of tears, wailing about his ears! He would cry SO hard, and then stop, and then CRY, and stop, and CRY and stop. On top of all of this, Wavy didn’t really show symptoms of an ear infection but she was super sick, so I decided to just embrace it and take them all in. I knew Dr. Guselle wouldn’t mind. 

Cher had offered to come hang in the van during the appointment, since it timed out so well with her class finishing up, but turns out I made her come in with us instead. 

The kids cried so much. The boys did NOT want their ears checked. They were overtired and upset and did not want to be poked at. We did get it done, however, and both boys have good solid ear infections. We’ve only had one before, and it was Dekker in kindergarten. So while its not new, its been a while, too, without much practice. 

Solly was doing SO much better than yesterday, and we learned the reason why is because his eardrum is perforated. *sigh* So it went from pain to perforated in less than 12 hours. Which is pretty frustrating, because how could we know?? But Dr. Guselle figured he was feeling better with that pressure released. But now he has that open spot in his eardrum. Antibiotics it is! Rowan, on the other hand, has a red, angry, bulgy eardrum. If its going to perforate, we’d rather it happened while he was already on medication, so antibiotics for him too. Waverly looks the worst of the three but has nothing crazy beyond a common cold virus. Thank goodness.

It was a LONG drive home to that banana medicine, but thank goodness, everyone is sleeping and content now. Wish us luck! Medications are changing up all over the place here, and I can’t forget these three doses a day! Who wants to remind me?? 🙋‍♀️