Valentine’s Battle 2020

Do you remember last years Valentines Day post? It was funny, if I do say so myself. This years post is going along those same lines. A meme/gif battle. There were times I wondered if Brady realized what was happening, or if he remembered last year, but I wasn’t going to help him!! No way, man. So it just began. 

My kick-off:

He followed up with this gif. I get a kick out of her. But, only alright?? 

I countered with cheese. Thats a big deal. 

He countered with James Marsden. He is also a big deal.

I tried to express the level of my love…

And he seemed confused, and unsure of how to reciprocate my love.

Maybe we both felt awkward. 

Then he told me he loved me and decided to be a grown up and go back to work. I gave him about 15 minutes. 

He wasn’t upset. 

I thought this was funny…

But he called my bluff and told me it wasn’t true. He’s right. Hashtags filled with lies followed. 

Eventually, I left him alone, and he texted here and there about work stuff. Ceiling paint. So naturally, I felt neglected. 

He reassured me

And then I made a dirty joke.

He was ok with it. 

Later on, he sent me this one. I didn’t like it. I don’t love rage 🤷‍♀️ 

But he probably doesn’t like pathetic either. 

Then this happened. I’m not sure the goal, but it was cute. 

I made it funny with sexual innuendo, as I do sometimes. 

He was into it. 


I took it too far.

He wasn’t put off.

I sang him a love song.

Such a small gif! “After all this time, I’m still into you.”

He countered with Ryan Gosling. 

And Parks and Rec.

But I retaliated with Jim Halpert, so naturally, I won that exchange. 💁‍♀️

Especially since he took it from romance to a wiener doing flips. 

I liked it tho. 

Finally, the work day was done and he was on his way home. 

And as the classy lady I am, I propositioned him. 

And now thats on the internet. *sigh* Its ok, though. We love each other. 

I hope you all had equally dorky, funny, days 😁 Not everyone likes Valentines Day, but I think we can agree this is a fun way to “celebrate.” The chocolate covered strawberries that walked through my front door don’t hurt, either! ❤️