The Same, But Different

We had an errand day today. Not a full, grocery shopping at Superstore, Walmart, and Costco kind of errand day, but a day of getting stuff done in the city. Normally, we leave home mid-morning, do our thing, eat out lunch and supper, and get home long after the kids bedtime. This was SUCH a different errand day! Living closer to the city definitely has its benefits.

Before we even headed to the city for errands, we ran a few around the house here. The room that Brady and I sleep in here hasn’t been stayed in for quite some time, so we thought we’d help it back to life. This morning, Brady got the door back on its hinges and adjusted correctly, and he repaired the closet rod and shelf so it was more sturdy. The closet especially has been a job I’ve been waiting to get done, as all of our clothes have been up in the living room, with their hangers elastic banded together, since we moved in. That makes it kind of difficult NOT to end up wearing the same thing every day. Not that I would know anything about that… So obviously, I was very happy to have my closet up and running. I had every expectation, then, to start working on it on Monday, and get all of our clothes into it, bundle by bundle. But Brady was on a roll, and I didn’t stop him. The clothes are all downstairs, the few pieces of little furniture we brought are also in our room, a shelving unit has been put in to hold our storage, etc. It feels wonderful to have our room arranged, and at least a few spots cleared in our living room to be able to sit. It was a VERY productive morning.

Once the jobs died down a bit, we fed everyone, showered up, and headed out for errands. We didn’t have too terribly much to do, and the main thing we were going out for, we didn’t end up getting (a second baby monitor) but it was still very very successful! We went to a number of different places and instead of one of us running in for just one thing, we all went in to every place. It took a little bit longer, of course, but it was good. We got just about everything we were looking for, and the kids were in good shape pretty much the whole time. My laptop is having a hard time connecting to things this evening, so the pictures aren’t loading up, but to wrap up errand day, we wandered through Home Depot and dreamed about our future house. They were SO CUTE! We went as far as to bring home some paint chips and purchase a few flooring samples, just to have, and ponder. It was fun. I really really loved it!

Now, everyone is home, and 2/3 kids are in bed. Rowan is just getting some milk before we lay him down, and then I think we might go hang out in the hot tub for a little while again. It was SO nice last night. Plus, the one single thing I am missing about our old house is my tub. *moan* Oh how I LOVE that tub!!! I’m missing my soaks these days, but our luxurious hot tub will have to do for the moment 😉 I’m not complaining.