The Three I Have, and What They’re Up To

With Dekker and Laela off to school, I have just the three younger ones on hand this morning. I figured I’d do a shorty update on them 🙂

Rowan all of a sudden can puzzle!! We had puzzles out a while ago and no one was really into them. They were rediscovered recently and Dekker and Laela crush them! The one that used to be “hard” is now complete within five minutes. Turns out we need to be on the hunt for puzzles! Dekker walked Rowan through one of the harder puzzles once, and now he can do it, too! And he’s so proud of himself. He loves it.

Solly is way more social these days, initiating games and conversation. His language has been fine for a long time now, yet it continues to grow and change. He contributes more than yes or no answers, and participates without us always having to ask him to join. He makes real jokes, too. He’s SO fun!

Waverly is busier these days! She backs herself into a corner (literally) multiple times a day, but she’s pretty cute about it. Eventually she’ll learn how to crawl forward, right? Lol! Until then, I’ll continue to rescue her from corners or from under the tv stand.

These two are closer friends every day. I wonder if he’ll like her less when she can actually move and come for him, but he’s smitten with her for now, so I’ll take what I can get!

We spent a lovely morning with a friend, but now, its nap time! Gotta get rid of these runny noses! Spring is NOT the time to be down and out with a cold!