Toddler-free Shopping Day!

I can’t remember the last time I went shopping without Dekker. I have had brief outings where he isn’t with me, and those always feel like a bit of a treat, but never a shopping day with a girlfriend! I feel the need to say (yet I’m sure lots of mothers can relate) that I am completely head over heels for my son! But its different. Not having to think about what he needs in that very moment, or having to haul him out of a store, or chase him around. Its a nice break.

My friend was in Saskatoon for one day, so I drove into the city to meet her and her brand new baby boy at the mall. I beat her there, so I picked up some Starbucks and leisurely wandered the mall, popping in wherever I desired. Bought baby girl a sleeper. Kept walking. It was so relaxing to just saunter on without a responsibility really. However, the real shopping began when my Jeana arrived. Its nice to shop with someone and bounce ideas and styles off of them.

One of the fun things about shopping with Jeana is that our styles are polar opposite! We gravitate towards wildly different things. Yet we know this about each other, and its actually nice to be able to be honest, to disagree, and then still buy what we like. No judging. We still manage to successfully purchase things, despite the other persons delicate “Well, I wouldn’t wear it, but it looks nice on you!”

I have some birthday money to spend, and I’ve been trying to decide what to spend it on. Clothes seems a little silly right now, and the main things I want is mukluks, but they’re a good couple hundred dollars and I do not have thatย much birthday money! I was keeping my eye open for things that jumped out at me that I wouldn’t normally purchase. And then I found my new shoes!


I’ve been wanting to get on the Toms bandwagon for a while but being exactly who I am, I have trouble justifying spending much money on clothes or shoes. When I saw these, they looked so comfy. So I checked them out and the insides were so soft! They fit beautifully and at full price, they were only $30!! Some other colors were on an amazing sale. I’m debating going back for another pair. However, that was done and we kept shopping. I picked up a sweater for $6 from Smart Set which I was also really pumped about!


I know buying clothes is probably not the smartest idea, but it fits me shoulders like everything else I own, so I’m fairly confident that it will fit post-baby, in fall, when a sweater/long sleeved shirt makes sense. Plus, six dollars. C’mon. Worth the risk.

We all had lunch and then headed to Walmart to pick up a few things. I kind of have to laugh, because I ended up forgetting half the stuff I was going to buy, but I did ok. Some groceries, deck sealant, insoles, mason jars, and crayons. Jeana did a bit more shopping too, but then it was time to part ways so she could drive home to be with her husband and other kids. It was sad. We so rarely see each other. But it was a really nice date ๐Ÿ™‚

I came home to a productive husband. Completely out of the blue, he was laundering our entire bed. As in pillows and everything. Not to be gross, but I had no idea people washed their pillows! Our bed is completely puffy and I’m sooo excited to sleep in it tonight!!! He also started the process of washing the car seat cover and all the covers of things our baby girl will use when she finally surfaces. Since he was on such a roll with laundry, I grabbed all of baby girls sleepers that I’ve been trying to acquire in the last couple of weeks and ran them through a load, along with a couple gorgeous muslin blankets my mom bought for her while visiting family in Ontario. Yes, I’m photo happy.



All the lighter, stretchy ones
All the lighter, stretchy ones
Fuzzy owl ones
Fuzzy owl ones
Aaaaand fuzzy cupcake ones
Aaaaand fuzzy cupcake ones

I’m quite happy with them ๐Ÿ™‚ I also had a very generous friend hand over a large bag of newborn baby girl things for us to use. Sleepers, diaper shirts, shoes, etc. I feel so blessed to have the friends that I have!

Being that its 9:30pm, I think its time for supper! Then off to bed to rest up for a big day tomorrow! The most exciting event of tomorrow will be our ultrasound! We have never had the pleasure of seeing our baby on screen so late in the game and we couldn’t be happier ๐Ÿ™‚ After that, we plan to purchase EVERYTHINGย we need for Dekker’s birthday party on Sunday! Ice cream, toppings, sauces, fruit, etc. Every part of me wants to add all the baby things to the shopping list, but I will resist!!! Baby shopping day will have to be another time. Tomorrow is prep for Dekker Day!

Hoping my list of toppings is delicious enough for everyone. Anyone have any sundae toppings they can’t live without??

mama jeanne

Isn’ t it wonderful to celebrate our many blessings from God. I’m so glad He is in our lives my sweet girl. What would we do without Him ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you and I love the joy you have in your heart….always have from young up.