A Day with Grandma and my BEAUTIFUL Son!

My mom came over to play today! She has been away quite a bit the last little while and has been experience Dekker withdrawal. Can’t blame her really. So she came over and Dekker was playing chase from her arrival basically until she left, with only a few breaks in between. For snacks and photo ops.



We played hard until Dekker got surprise when he slapped a metal shelf and the noise scared him. He was sooo worked up after that! So we brought him upstairs and had a quick bum change, and he was out. Once he was sleeping, my mom and I got some egg salad on the go for lunch. We had that with milk, and watermelon. It was sooo delicious! After lunch, we took just a few steps over to the living room and plunked down on the couches. I’ll be honest. With my pelvis giving me this much trouble, I do a lot of sitting when I can so that I’m able to get up and run around when I need to. So we sat comfy in the living room and talked about all the things on my lists for before Dekker’s party and for before baby girl arrives. I know, I’ve talked about these lists a lot, but my mom hasn’t been home to dissect them with me until today! So we hashed them out and I realized that they all actually quite doable. If Brady and I ran into the city for one full day, we could probably accomplish everything we need to do, minus painting the crib and change table I suppose. But everything we need to buy could be done in one day, and probably the home stuff in one more day. Its just different with a toddler around. We discussed the possibility of my mom taking Dekker for a day while Brady and I spent a day in Saskatoon getting ready for baby girl. We also talked about maternity pictures, when and where, and what the action plan will be when I go into labor. It was nice to talk about all of this, to really bring it to a point of reality! Guys, Dekker’s birthday is in exactly one week, and one month from that is our baby girls due date!!! Sooo soon!

After she left I continued to play with my lists and plan more for Dekkers party. I’m excited to say that we’re expecting a bigger turnout than last year! Not that it has to be something huge, but I’m thrilled that our family has more friends this year, and that there will be more people around to celebrate Dekker’s life, even if he sleeps through the whole party, hahaha! Sooo looking forward to it!

I also did dishes, which really just resulted in soaking my belly. As per usual.


And I slugged back a Jones Soda, which had by far the lamest “fortune” I’ve ever read in a Jones cap. I thought they were better than that.


Brady got home quite late, so we didn’t actually all have supper together. But we got in solid play time with Dekker and then he came for bedtime cuddles, which as I mentioned in an earlier post, have turned into more of a playtime on our bed. I couldn’t capture it to its full extent, but Dekker was completely gorgeous tonight and it blew my mind. I know he’s beautiful, but his eyes were sparkly like I have never seen them. His hair was all fluffy and swept up from rigorous playing. His cheeks were rosy, likely from the heat and from running around, and his smile was HUGE! He is sooo beautiful!






(* You make think they all look the same, but I can’t stop staring at him! At least I only chose four, because that was a looong photo shoot!)

He’s now in bed, and Brady and I are trying to figure out what to eat for supper at 9pm. C’mon, we all know its going to be something guilty pleasure. But super delicious I hope. Because I am so hungry!!!

Tomorrow, spending the day with a friend I haven’t seen in years! Really looking forward to catching up and meeting her latest bundle.

mama jeanne

See Hailey, you’re catching on to why I take so many pictures 🙂 It’s about capturing the beauty around you! It was a lovely day yesterday together. Thanks my dear. You are such a hospitable and lovely person……. so dear to my heart! HAve a wonderful day today!