
The kids and I spent the day with my mom, playing on swings and enjoying some good company. Once we finally dragged them inside for lunch, we offered Dekker grilled cheese (aka GOLD) for lunch. He said “uuuh…no. Detter wants ham.” Whose kid is this?! By some miracle, my mom had ham in the fridge, so while she and I devoured grilled cheese and fruit and veggies and chips for lunch, Dekker ate ham. And fruit and veggies and chips as well. Whats lunch without all the goodies?? Laela ate blueberries, bread, cheese, and watermelon!!

Because the kids slept in way longer than usual (unmoving at 8:30am!) and were revved up from being in a new environment, I napped them both at 2:00. Its not an uncommon time at all, but Laela hadn’t napped at all in the morning. She slept until after 4:15 and then got up and ate and played a bit. But she was pretty touchy and bushed. Dekker started to wake up right around supper time, so when he got up, we opted to put Laela back down for a shorty nap. But she cried and cried. So that didn’t happen. You know when you’re overtired that you can’t sleep? Ya, she does too.

After supper (Laela tried pancakes for her first time!) we played toys, practiced music for church, and enjoyed some incredible thunder and lightening! It shook that house, and some of them went on and on, rattling my legs against the chair. The initial crash would startle Dekker, but he would recover pretty quickly, and either run to one of us, smiling away, or go to a window to check everything out. It was pouring and dark and loud and exciting. He seemed to actually enjoy the new weather!

The drive home was kind of nerve wracking, to be honest. I’m not scared of storms, but driving through them is a bit different. However, Dekker was a total peach for the drive. He asked for a toy right off the bat, and while I was madly digging for it in the diaper bag, he goes “Oh! I find it!” and he holds it up for me to see. After that, all he wanted was some music on, and he was content to watch the train driving along the highway, listen to the rain, and see the lightening. Laela slept. Luckily, she’s still pretty grumpy so I’m thinking she’ll go down well. And it is sooo time!

Let’s just pray that we all keep power tonight, and even better, than this rain somehow helps rid us of all this smoke!