Two Date Nights in One Week

Saturday! I love Saturdays. Especially Saturdays after such great Fridays. I am blessed.

We accomplished almost nothing today. It was awesome. We ate, played toys, kissed our kids, changed their diapers, and watched Rent. At one point, Laela barfed all over herself and therefore, earned herself some naked time. She loves naked time. And I LOVE her side wrinkles!

IMG_2666My wonderful kids chose to overlap their naps for a short time again, so Brady and I took showers and got ready for our evening. I know, we just celebrated Brady’s birthday on Monday by going on a date. However, quite some time ago, we “booked” this evening away to see my friend play at Village Guitar. We feel so very blessed to have had two dates this week, with Miss Laela being under three weeks old! It is so great to be out with Brady 🙂 Its easy to fall into just simple existence with him, since we tag team the whole time we’re with the kids and then fall into bed exhausted at the end of the day. We can’t forget to have time together just the two of us as well. I’m pretty sure that if we’re not each others top priorities, our family won’t work. And we are wildly fortunate to have my parents close by, eager to play with our babies.

So we got ready just in time to get Dekker up for dinner. He was freshly fed and Laela had just downed a bottle before my parents arrived. We chatted with them for a few minutes before racing out the door. We made it to the show about fifteen minutes before it started and snagged a couch in the back.

IMG_2668The music was great and the rum and Coke hit the spot. It was nice to feel like daters again, as opposed to old married people. Yet I can very honestly say I’m happy to be in the position I’m in. I joke a lot about “being old” when I get tired early, or how we haven’t seen a movie in theatres since the new Footloose came out. But I am thrilled to be a wife, and a mother of two. Dates like these are secondary but amazing and appreciated. I’m sort of rambling I suppose, but it hit me this evening just how blessed I am to be in the situation I always dreamed of.

We made it home around 10:45pm to my dad fast asleep on our basement couch and my mom holding Laela and quietly watching Netflix. It was very peaceful, and we had a nice visit before they headed home. Of course, the entire house was tidied and dishes were done. What could the parents of a two year old and a newborn want more than a clean kitchen, a night out, and sleeping children?!

Just feeding Laela before we feed ourselves. Late night snack time HAS TO STOP!!! Starting tomorrow…