Updates #1, 2, 3

  1. We DO NOT have whooping cough!! What an enormous relief!! The kids are till snotty and fevering on and off, but I see improvements that are making me hesitantly hopeful that we are on our way out. Please, Lord, let this be it! Dr. Guselle actually called with our results last night already. She laughed at how bad I sound (if you’ve talked to me on the phone in the last week, you get it) and then before even giving us results, she asked if Dekker’s nose bad bled anymore since she did his swab. I think its so sweet of her to be concerned about something so small in the grand scheme of things. I thanked her for remembering, told her he hadn’t had any issues, and then we got our results. This woman deserves a pretty significant gift when this is all over!! Anyone have any ideas?
  2. Our house looks INCREDIBLE!!! We drove to see it today and I just felt overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude and every other emotion under the sun. Its a bit confusing, but the part that is framed at the moment is the raised basement. The main floor joists are now all up, and the floor sheeting is on. It doesn’t show in the picture, but the wall that will be the back of the house is already assembled and is just laying flat on top for now. Its crazy to think that main floor walls will be up soon!!IMG_1416This picture shows me standing inside our front entrance. Of course they leave the stair installation until the end. Probably to keep all of the nosey homeowners, such as ourselves, from messing around where we don’t belong. But it was truly surreal to see so much of it together. I think I will likely be feeling this way a lot in the near future, with every step of the process.
  3. Last but not even close to least, this happened today!IMG_1414.JPGDoes anyone else feel like crying?? Haha! Probably just me, yet I support this movement 100%. Doesn’t he look SO handsome?? We finally bit the bullet and I ever so generously told Brady that I would continue to love him, even if cut his hair off. So he did. And he feels like a million bucks, anyone can tell. Here’s to toques that fit, sleeping without a ponytail, fast showers, and eventually, less neck pain. You look smokin’ hot, hubs. I hope you know it!!

Thats it for updates today, I believe. When we got home this afternoon, we put the kids down for a nap, I took some of my medicine, and promptly fell asleep myself! Now that I’ve had a nap and rested not only my head and body but my throat and voice as well, hopefully this evening will be somewhat smooth and we can all keep improving health-wise!

Hope you’re all having a great Saturday!


Wow! I seem to be starting all my comments with that word! Hah!
Thank you Lord for no whooping cough! And you re all doing a little better!!😀
Yes! Brady!!!! Very handsome! I can relate to the long heavy hair getting cut off! I had to because of bad headaches! Very Good!!😊
So exciting about the house!!:)


Haha! I’m glad there is some “wow” to our life still, rather than just “ow” 😉 And I was very curious what your reaction to Bradys new hair would be, so I’m glad you commented 🙂