Very Nice

I missed worship leading in church today, thanks to my oddly persistent sore throat, but mostly, my consistently ill children. The older three managed to get to church with Brady, but Solly and Waverly were in bad shape. It was clear who was well enough and who wasn’t. 

Solly always begs for a friend to come downstairs to play with him, so once Cher and I both eaten some toast and drank some coffee, we went down with him and Wavy. We spent a lazy morning down there, though this kids mostly just shared a couch with us, snuggled, and generally lived that ill life. It was relaxed and coughy. It was actually really nice, though.

Brady and the three kids came home after church, had some lunch, and the littles went to bed. Same ole, same ole. We often spend Sunday with my mom, but this weekend, she had so much going on and so much work to do, she couldn’t commit the time. Instead, Brady and I had some lunch with Cher before she drove me over to my moms so I could spend some time with her while doing stuff! It was also really nice. 

Now, it’s the evening. My kids are down for the night, and Brady and I are just trying to figure out supper. My poor throat hurts SO badly, but it was marginally better earlier today, so I’m hopeful than healing is on the way! Its amazing that it can actually hurt this bad, considering the absurd amount of painkillers I’m on 🙄 I digress. Soup is on the stove and a bath is run. I really couldn’t ask for a whole lot more. 

I imagine the evening will also be very nice ❤️ Have a lovely end to your weekend, friends.