Victory is sweet. Just about…

First, a humorous story. I baked a cake last night. Right before bed. You see, a lovely new friend has surfaced and offered to take some cake smash pictures of Dekker for his first birthday. Of course, neither of us can wait until he’s actually one (in about two weeks!!!) so we’re planning to maybe take some this evening. Very exciting!!! So I thought I’d bake the cake layers last night and then freeze them so they’d be all solid and I could cover them with icing without it getting crumb-ridden. Did you know you’re supposed to lay wax paper in the bottom of the cake pans? Because it sure doesn’t say it on the back of the cake mix box!! Hahaha, oh boy. What a mess 🙂 Both my beautiful cakes stuck to the bottom and fell out of the pans in chunks. Luckily I was tired enough to be able to laugh at it and fall asleep without feeling too hot and bothered.

It was, however, the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. In case you were wondering, They turned out waaay better the second time! And by better, I mean they came out in one piece. A HUGE success! I’ll pull them out to ice them in the next hour or so, and then when Dekker wakes up, prepare to be photographed! A lot!!!

Like I’ve mentioned before, my son sleeps like its nighttime all the time, so while he’s been teething away and sleeping like a log, we’ve been pouring over our deck to get it finished. And you know what? WE DID!!! Ok, we ran out of 2x6s to finish the top of the stair railing (Thanks for nothing, Co-op) and being a long weekend, everything is closed. But still, this is something to really celebrate!!! We’ll go pick up the last piece tomorrow morning, screw it on, and the whole ugly deck debacle will be over. For those who have followed this annoying journey, take a deep breath with me. Its over. The big scary monster is dead. Frankly, even if he isn’t, he’s not allowed on the deck! You’re safe there.



mama jeanne

Beeeeeeeeeauuuuuuuuuuutiful! Looks straight and level …good eye Brady…and wonderfully put together. Good job you guys! ♥


Yay, congrats on being done!! I feel bad it never worked to help out, not that you needed it, it looks fantastic!! I officially offer to help stain it (are you staining it?? Lol) and also to help you enjoy it 🙂


We’re going to clear coat it, since we like the bright color. Just have to sand all the stamps and stuff off. But then yes please! We’ll tan 🙂